Chapter ~ 31

639 17 3

Peter's POV

I opened my eyes and the room was completely white, I squinted and then raised myself up onto my elbows and rubbed my eyes. I looked around and I recognised that I was in the hospital of the Avengers Base, there were some clothes on the side table and I changed out of my suit and into the hoodie and jeans. All my wounds and scratches were healed and I frowned, how long was I asleep for? I threw my ruined and bloodstained suit into the bin and walked out of the room, I didn't know my way around the Avengers Base since I used to hang out around the Stark Tower and I didn't really explore the place when I was with SHEILD. 

"Peter?" said a voice.

I spun around and Tony was walking down the hallway.

"Are you okay? I had no idea you were awake," he said.

"I'm fine everything is healed," I replied.

He nodded and smiled at me.

"You hungry?"

"Nah I'm good," 

We stood there in silence for a bit and he clapped me on the shoulder twice.

"Come with me," he said.

I followed him up a few flights of stairs and he opened a door, I hesitantly followed him into the room and I saw his massive lab. I looked around in awe at all the advanced lab benches and holograms. On one side of the room, there was a massive bench, it was double the size of the one in the jet and you could make advanced suits in there. 

"What do you think?" asked Tony.

"This is crazy, how long did it take to build this?" I asked.

"A while but it was worth it in the end," he said, "I showed my daughter the lab but she wasn't impressed, I think she takes after Pepper more than me," 

"You have a daughter!" 

"Yeah, I kept her a secret from everyone for a while but all the other Avengers found out, she's around 6 years old and Harley visits once in a while," 

"Harley Kenner? The one you told me about ages ago?" I asked.

"Yeah, I didn't think you knew about him," 

"You told me about him when you finally got in touch with him," 

Tony nodded and I looked at the hologram screens in awe.

"Your girlfriend told me that you made your own suit, she said it was basic and quick but still amazing," Tony said as he pressed the button on the suit making bench.

"Yeah, it only had two web combinations and it was a little bit bulletproof, it wasn't meant to last or anything like that," I replied.

"I think you should try to make your own proper suit," he suggested.

I look at him sharply and I saw the seriousness in his eyes and my eyes widened.

"Really? I mean I don't think... I can't..." 

"Peter you smarter than most adults I know, you can definitely make a suit," he said.

He opened the bench which was a horizontal cylinder that ran along the wall. The top opened revealing the holograms and different designs and stuff like that, I walked forward and stood over the bench and Tony clapped me on the back.

"I'll be over there doing some other stuff," he said walking to the other side of the lab.

I started working on the web shooters and making different combinations, I made 6 different combinations the normal web, splitter web, web grenade, ricochet web, rapid fire and taser webs. I added extra protection around the web shooter so they wouldn't break, I made these web shooter tablets that had 600 webs in each web shooter. 

I moved onto the mask and I made it have night vision and I put an AI in it which took AGES for me to code it but it was worth it in the end. It was midnight when I finished those two things and I was flicking through different suit designs when I almost fell asleep sitting by the bench and unfortunately Tony noticed.

"C 'mon kid you should get to bed," he said.

I nodded while I yawned and stood up, I closed the suit bench and thanked Mr Stark as I walked out of the room. He gave me instructions to my room and I collapsed onto the covers and immediately fell asleep.

The next morning I went back to the workspace after I said hello to Tony, I was texted Shuri while I worked on the suit and I made a secret fingerprint compartment on the upper arm part of my suit where I could store multiple web shooter tablets. I made it bulletproof and fireproof and I did the same design as the one that Shuri made for me. The machine started working and it would probably take around six hours to make the whole suit and the web shooters. While that was working I made around 600 web shooter tablets which would equal 360,000 webs which would definitely last me for at least a year.

I hung out with the other Avengers for a little bit but they were all just watching sports and I couldn't sit still for that long. The suit I had created was definitely the deadliest suit and most protective suit I've ever had but I didn't mind, I was almost 17 and the world was only becoming more dangerous. 

I talked to Hallie for ages and I was planning to meet up with her that night since she was back in America. It was 7:00 pm when my suit, mask and web shooter were finally finished, I thanked Mr Stark again and he told me the suit looked good. I went into my room and changed into my suit pressed the spider in the middle so it would tighten around me. I loaded all the spare web shooter tablets into the secret compartments and then I jumped off the roof of the Avengers Base and swung through New York. I went straight to Hallie's apartment and she hugged me, we swung around New York City for a bit and then we sat up on a roof near the busy part of the City. The massive screen suddenly switched to the Daily Bugle and the news reporter cleared his throat.

"Earlier today a clip was released and it showed something shocking, warning, this may come as a shock to most people," said the reporter.

My heart stopped as a video of Mysterio appeared at the Tower Bridge in London.

"I don't think I'm going to make it off this bridge alive but I'm making this video to warn people that Spider-Man is dangerous. I don't know what happened but he attacked me, I warn you all to be wary of him, he is a threat to New York and he plans to try and take over," gasped Beck.

It cut to a clip of me standing over him and thankfully you couldn't see my face, you could hear a gunshot and the phone fell to the ground. 

I looked at Hallie and fear reflected on both of our faces, I was screwed now.

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