Chapter ~ 46

299 15 8

Peter's POV

It's Thursday today and we have already done half of our exams, everyone was tired from studying all night and Flash was more angry and annoying than usual and I was tired as well so I found myself always talking back to him when he said something rude to me. 

It was the end of the day and I couldn't wait to get back to the tower because Rhodey finally had the new engine and I wanted to put it in and take it out for a test drive. 

"Okay class, since you've all been working so hard the school has decided to reward you with a field trip tomorrow," said the teacher.

People started talking excitedly but they stopped when the teacher announced where we were going.

"We are going to the Avengers Base!" she shouted.

The whole class cheered and shouted, meanwhile, I groaned and wished the world would eat me. 

"I'm about to expose your ass, Peter! Revenge is going to be served!" Flash shouted.

I ignored him and Ned was rambling on about something while we walked out of school, I knew I'd have to do a lot tonight since I was halfway through finishing my new suit which had more updates and cool things added to it, it was the same design as my last one though since I couldn't be bothered thinking of a new one.

I talked to Hallie, Ned and MJ in the group chat and vented about the Avenger's Base field trip tomorrow and they all reassured me that it would be fine. 

When I arrived home FRIDAY told me that Tony wanted to talk to me, I sighed but I went to his office and went inside.

"Hey, dad, FRIDAY told me you wanted to talk to me," I said.

"Yeah, I need to ask you for a favour," he replied, "There's a class touring the Avenger's Base tomorrow and I'm really busy with Morgan, Harley and work so I was wondering if you could lead the tour as Spider-Man?"

"Oh, I would like to but it's just that-"

"I know crowds can be scary but I bet that they're all big fans of you, plus, everyone loves Spider-Man and you'll have to speak in front of a big crowd eventually," he continued.

"No, it's not that, I can't tour that class because I'm in-" 

"You're doing it, that's final, I'll show up for a second and introduce myself then you'll swing in and take over things and I'll walk the class out at the end," 

"No, I cant-"

"Thanks, Peter,"


"I knew I could count on you,"

"That's my cla-"

He answered his phone as it rang and he looked at me, I sighed frustratedly and left the room, I was tempted to slam the door behind me but I didn't want to break it since Tony was already stressed enough.

After putting in the engine in my car with Rhodey I had my training lesson with Cap and Nat so when I went into Bruce's lab I was a bit tired, I kept thinking about what I would do about the field trip since my class was touring and I had to lead the tour as Spider-Man.

"What's up Peter? You seem kind of quiet today," Bruce asked.

"Tony told me to tour my class as Spider-Man," I replied.

"Did you tell him you couldn't because it was your class?"

"I tried but he wouldn't listen, with all the stuff with Morgan, Harley and work he's stressed so I'll have to come up with something," 

"What if I come up and say hello to your class and then say I need help with something and then you can get into your Spider-Man suit and then lead the class and when Tony is walking the class out you can change back and then go back to your group," suggested Bruce.

I dropped the wrench I was holding and looked at Bruce.

"You really are the smartest man alive," I said.

Bruce chuckled and I retrieved my wrench from the floor, we talked about the plan and how it would work and by 7:30 pm I was confident in our plan. I ran across to Pepper's office and entered holding the form in my hands.

"Hey Peter, I have a phone meeting in 5 minutes so you better be quick," she said.

It kind of hurt when she said that. If I was Harley or Morgan she'd cancel the meeting and comfort them but when I entered the room she didn't even look up at me.

"I have a field trip tomorrow, can you please sign this form?" I asked.

I put the form on her desk and she quickly scrawled her signature on the paper and then went back to her writing.

"Thanks," I replied.

She didn't say anything and I left the room feeling empty, I put the form in my room and then went to my lab since Tony was in his lab and he was probably too busy and stressed to have me in there. I finished up my suit and it would take around 6 hours to make the suit, mask and web shooters so I went with Clint and my own car to the racing centre. Clint and I raced each other with three other random people. I won two out of the three times and Clint kept shouting into my comm to distract me and it only worked once. 

Back in my room, I placed the money into the envelope with the rest of the money I owed Rhodey for the engine. I had 230 dollars, I was only supposed to pay half of 325 dollars but I decided to pay him for the whole thing. 

At midnight I snuck down into my lab and grabbed my suit, I put it on with my web shooters and mask and in a few minutes, I was swinging through New York again. I stopped 2 robberies, 5 muggings and one car crash and it was 3:00 am when I finished, I swung back to the Avengers Base and climbed into my room through the window. 

I put my suit in my bag as well as my books and the permission slip and placed it on the ground, I laid on my bed but I didn't sleep because I knew if I did I'd have a nightmare about what happened. 

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