Chapter ~ 21

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A week later

Peter's POV

Gone. That was a word I've dealt with too much but it was normal to me now but I never thought I'd have to deal with it so soon. I've seen people die, random strangers so I knew what dead people looked like. But, looking at May's dead body made me shiver.

I sat beside her bed and it was so quiet, there was no beeping coming from the heart monitor and no nurses came into the room to ask how she was because she was gone. I was well and truly alone, I had no one left anymore. I honestly thought that it would just be May and I for ages since she was quite young but that wasn't the case anymore. I didn't go to school and I ignored the billions of calls from SHIELD and the school who probably figured out I skipped school. I knew I was going to get in huge trouble from Fury and the principle but I didn't care, nothing mattered anymore.

I jumped as the door opened and a nurse walked in with a sympathetic smile on her face.

"Hey, how are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm fine," I lied.

"She told me to give you this letter, I think it's something like an unofficial will since she was too sick to write a real one and mail it and stuff like that. But, we need to move her now," she explained.

I took the letter and stood up, I put the letter in the pocket of my hoodie and when I looked out the window I realised it was night. I didn't think I had spent that long here but it had already been a whole day.

"Do you have somewhere to go?" she asked, "Any relatives?"

"Y-yeah," I lied.

"Do you want to wait here until they come, it's pretty dark outside and you know, there are a lot of sketchy people around at night and it's freezing," 

"I'm fine thanks," I replied giving her a small fake smile.

I slipped out the door and I fought back tears as I walked through the busy hospital corridors, I sighed as I walked out of the hospital. I didn't know where to go or what to do so I found myself wandering aimlessly around the streets. I went down a familiar alleyway and grabbed my duffel bag out from it's hiding spot, I put my phone and the letter into it and changed into my suit. I jumped up onto the roof of a tall apartment building and chucked my bag behind an air conditioning unit. I pulled my mask on and swung through the streets with almost no enthusiasm, I wasn't looking forward to being screamed at by Fury since he's been trying to talk to me ever since I punched Iron Man in the park.

I walked along the side of the sewer and I pushed open the door taking off my mask, Fury turned around and glared at me as I walked in. I avoided looking him in the eye and fiddled with my mask, Mysterio was sitting at the bench with another worker and he was looking between the two of us.

"Where have you been?" demanded Fury, "I've been calling you all week and if it wasn't for Mysterio I would've thought you'd have been captured by HYDRA!"

"I do have a life outside of Spider-Man you realise," I replied.

"Cut the bullshit Parker," he barked, "I know you haven't been going to school and I know you've been ignoring all my calls, so let me ask you again, where have you been?"

"What's the big deal? You don't need to know everything!" 

"People that are apart of SHIELD aren't reckless! You punched Iron Man and sent him flying across the park!" he shouted.

"He had it coming! What was I supposed to do? Let him punch Beck and let those two fight it out!" 

"You need to control yourself Parker!" he screamed.

I stayed silent and looked down at the ground still fiddling with my mask.

"What were you thinking? What was punching Iron Man going to achieve?" sighed Fury.

"Hopefully a bruise," I muttered.

"Parker! Give me a proper answer or get out of here!" he yelled.

I backed away and opened the door, I slammed it behind me and the sound echoed throughout the whole sewer. I pulled my mask back on and jumped out of the sewer, I swung through City and my suit blended in with the night sky. I remembered when everything was fine before the Vulture showed up, I had a girlfriend and Tony Stark was my mentor and May was alive and well. Why did the world hate me so much? What did I do to deserve this? 

I swung up and sat down on the top of the Brooklyn Bridge, cars headlines looked like a blur against the darkness as they sped across the bridge. I sighed and pulled off my mask setting it down next to me, my legs hung over the side and if I wasn't Spider-Man then I'm pretty sure I'd be terrified. Suddenly, Mysterio flew up and hovered in front of me and the cloudy fishbowl helmet was on.

"Fury asked me to check on you, he felt kind of bad," said Beck.

"Really?" I asked sceptically.

"You do know what sarcasm is right?" 

I rolled my eyes and Beck sat down next to me and his helmet disappeared.

"How are you doing?" he asked.

"Your brother is the only person left in your family right?" 

He nodded and I paused, I didn't want to say those words out loud but I knew I'd have too eventually.

"How would you feel if he died?" I asked with my voice shaking slightly.

"I-I don't know, I don't like to think about that really," he replied.

I nodded and took a deep breath.

"May's gone," I said finally.

He looked at me sharply and his face fell. He patted my back and offered a sympathetic smile but I was too numb.

"I've lost all my father figures, I lost my dad and then Uncle Ben and Tony Stark," I sighed, "And I lost my mum and Aunt, I'm not even 16 yet,"

"Tony Stark was a father figure to you? I thought you hated him and that's why you left the Avengers," 

"Yeah, he took me to fight Captain America last year and after that, we talked a lot and he gave me my first suit. But, he took the suit away and didn't bother to keep in touch with me and after that everything went downhill, May was struggling financially and we had to sell a lot of stuff." I explained, "And that's when I realised that Tony only cared about Spider-Man and not Peter Parker,"

"That's the bad thing about betrayal, it never comes from strangers," agreed Beck.

"It's nice to have someone to talk to about this sort of stuff," 

"Anytime," he replied. 

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