Chapter 55

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Peter's POV

3 months later

I made my way through the crowds of students walking through the hallways and tried to block out the loud sounds of them, that was one of the downfalls of my enhanced senses. I finally made it to my dorm and it was a little bit quieter here, I grabbed my keys and I was about to open the door when MJ came running up to me.

"Hey loser," she said leaning against the wall.

"Hey MJ, I thought you had calculus class or something?" I replied.

"I do but I wanted to check on you," 

I raised an eyebrow at her and she rolled her eyes.

"Why can't I check up on you?" she asked.

"I-I n-yes," I stammered.

 "I'm just messing with you Peter, I've just noticed that you've been a bit quiet since that whole thing happened," she said quieter.

I sighed and gave her a fake smile.

"I know but I'm fine, I just want to focus on college," I replied.

She gave me a small smile back and she groaned when the bell rang.

"I gotta go, bye Peter," she said.

Suddenly she leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek, I turned bright red and looked at her back as she quickly walked away to get to her next class.

I opened my door and the blinds were drawn shut, I sighed when I saw the state of my room, all the stark tech that I had laid in pieces on the floor and my bin was overflowing with bits of papers. My stark phone and credit card were in the bin along with my Spider-Man suit and mask, I didn't want anything that had to do with Tony, since all the Stark tech was made by him I destroyed it and when I made my suit I made it at the Avengers Base in Tony's lab. 

I got a new phone with a new phone number so I haven't heard from Pepper and Harley or the Avengers. I threw my bag on the ground and flopped onto my bed pulling out my phone, Ned said he was running late so I knew I still had a bit of time to myself before he came back.

I pulled out my notebook for my new suit designs, I had next week off so I've been talking to Shuri and she said I could come to Wakanda and make my suit there and spend time with her.

I wrote down a few more coding things for Karen, she wasn't going to be an AI this time, she was just going to show my escape routes and other stuff on the eye part of my mask so I wouldn't get distracted by her talking to me. 

I had just finished the coding for my idea when there was a knock on the door, I pulled it open and expected to see Ned there but instead, one of my teachers was standing there.

"Hello Peter, sorry to bother you at this time but you have someone waiting for you in the carpark, they said they want to talk to you," he said.

"Oh okay, thanks," I replied.

He smiled and then walked down the hallway, I closed my dormitory door and texted Ned saying that I'd be back later if he came back earlier than me. 

I jumped down the massive flights of stairs and slid down the rails, it was bothering me that I couldn't go out on patrol so I usually tried to do as much parkour stuff as possible without anyone noticing. 

I walked across the massive field and I saw Pepper leaning against one of Tony's cars, I was tempted to turn around and run back but she had already started walking over to me. 

"Hey Peter," she said.

"Hi," I replied awkwardly.

There was a silence and I looked down at my feet and swallowed.

"So why are you here?" I asked.

"I came to check up on you, you completely disappeared after, it happened," she replied.

"I'm fine, honestly you shouldn't have come all the way across the country to see me,"

"Well if you answer me calls then I wouldn't have,"

"I broke my phone, I have a new number now," I said.

Pepper sighed and folded her arms loosely across her chest.

"I know things have been hard for you but Harley told me what happened, he said you were shot when you tried to block the bullet and he also said that you wanted to disappear for a while," Pepper stated.

"I still want to do that, after college, I'm disappearing, I dunno what I'm going to do but I might reveal myself to the world, I have no idea," I sighed.

"Peter your making rash decisions, if you reveal yourself as Spider-Man then you'll never have your normal life again, that was a mistake Tony made, please come back to the Avenger's base with me and you can talk to Steve and Clint, you shouldn't be alone at this time," Pepper pleaded.

"I'm still comparing his past, to my future, with him gone there needs to be another Iron Man, all the Avengers can deal with that and fill his space but I need to go somewhere else, I've spent ages wanting to become an Avenger but now that I am one I want something else, I'm going to do MORE than Tony has done, I need to because that's the way everyone will remember him," I said, "I have to carry his legacy but make my own at the same time,"

"Peter, you're only 17, Tony has dealt with massive situations before and you shouldn't deal with them as well, you should really talk to the Avengers Peter, please?"

"I'm sorry Pepper, tell Morgan I love her and Olivia even though they won't remember me when they're older," I said.

I walked away from her and once I got to the hallway I broke out into a sprint leaping up the staircases and hurtling through the corridors. I came to my dorm room and shoved open the door. Ned jumped and took a few breaths.

"You scared me!" he said.


"By the way, Shuri called you before, she said that she needs you to come to Wakanda right now for something so she's coming now," Ned replied.


I scrambled around the dorm and tripped on the junk that was on the floor, I grabbed some clothes and my suit ideas and other stuff, I shoved it into a bag and yanked back the curtains looking out the window. I looked down at my phone and I had a text from Shuri saying that she was at the carpark. I groaned and I saw Pepper sitting in the car and it didn't look like she was going anywhere.

"I gotta go, bye Ned," I said.

"Make sure to tell me everything about Wakanda when you get back!" he called.


We did our handshake and I ran out the door, I used the fire escape and when I shoved open the door at the bottom I ran straight past Pepper's car towards Shuri. I heard Pepper's car door open but I kept walking towards Shuri, we hugged and she smiled at me.

"I can't believe I'm actually seeing you in person!" she squealed.

"I know!" I said.

Shuri and I had only talked over text or facetime so we've never actually seen each other in person but she was a bit shorter than I expected.

"Are you ready to go? Sorry about the late notice but my brother needs me to help him with something and I need your help with it," she explained.

"It's fine, college is boring anyways,"

She laughed and I threw my bag into the back of the vibranium car.

"Peter? Where are you going?" Pepper asked.

"Disappearing," I lied.

I closed the car door and Shuri started the car and pulled out of the driveway, the car was fast and super smooth, the whole way there Shuri and I talked about suit designs, memes and what her brother needs help with. 

I was nervous meeting T'challa because he was the king of Wakanda but he gave me a warm welcome and acted as a close friend and soon enough I forgot that he was a king and Shuri and I were joking around with him as we worked. I thought back to what I said to Pepper about disappearing and I smiled, maybe this wasn't a bad place to disappear to.

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