Chapter 56

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*TIME SKIP* (6 months later)

Ned's POV

I was worried, now usually people talk to therapists or teachers when something is up with their best friend but when your best friend is the famous masked vigilante that swings around buildings late at night I don't think that still applies. 

I've tried talking to Peter but he's too stubborn and won't listen to me. Our classes finish at 4:30 pm and we study for five hours and then Peter goes out patrolling for the whole night and gets no sleep or anything to eat. He could barely stay awake in class and I tried everything I could to try and get him to eat or sleep but he keeps going on about this Mysterio person and I was super confused. Peter told me that he had killed Mysterio ages ago so what was he talking about? I thought that he was delirious so when I asked him about it he explained everything to me.

Mysterio wasn't dead at all, I wasn't sure how he was still alive and Peter told me some stuff about chemicals and smart stuff that I didn't completely understand but Peter said that Mysterio was out for revenge so Peter didn't really talk to me in public but if the blinds were closed in our dorm then he'd talk to me. He seemed determined that Mysterio was going to kill me to get to him but I knew that he was just being overprotective.

But I guess he was right, Peter and MJ went missing last week and Peter texted me saying that Mysterio had them and I tried texting him back but when I got a reply I knew Mysterio had sent it. 

I didn't know what to do, two of my best friends had been kidnapped by a guy seeking out revenge and couldn't tell anyone about it. Usually, I would've called Tony Stark but I couldn't anymore, if I knew Pepper's number then I would've called her but I couldn't do anything. But no matter how hard I tried to believe in Peter, I knew things wouldn't turn out fine.

(TIME SKIP BC IM LAZY SOZ - 3 months later)

Peter's POV

Illusions, drones, blood, I didn't know what was real anymore, I couldn't remember if Pepper was dead or not, I didn't know if it was an illusion or if Beck really did kill her. But MJ was real, I was positive of that, Beck made me carry out high-risk thefts otherwise he'd kill MJ, I've been doing his dirty work for 3 months and luckily the media and news didn't know Spider-Man was doing it since my new suit was black and white and I could blend in with the background, it was made out of vibranium since Shuri insisted so nothing could penetrate it except electricity. 


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I've failed most of the missions and that's when Beck would electrocute me and show me multiple visions, my spider senses were always on full alert and because of that I got a lot better at fighting and shooting webs. I was usually drugged out when I was in my cell but when I was awake MJ and I discussed plans to escape, most of them failed and that's when I realised the cell must be bugged so they could listen to our conversation.

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