Chapter ~ 14

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Peter's POV

I didn't realise I was falling until my stomach swooped and we started to pick up the pace, I shot a web back onto the top of the bridge and I yelled out in pain as the car was trying to drag me down. The car that nearly collided with this one had pulled over and shouted something to me that I couldn't understand. I looked down into the car and saw two kids and an adult and they all looked terrified, the adult was trying to calm down the hysterical kids but I could tell that he was freaking out as well.

"Hold on Spider-Man I'm calling someone to help!" shouted someone from the top of the bridge.

I knew my webs couldn't handle the weight for 20 minutes until the police came, and even if they came in under 20 minutes I don't think I could hold onto the webs for that long. I took a deep breath and using all the super strength I had I pulled the two webs closer together, I connected them and now the car was hanging down from the bridge only by a web. I prayed it would hold together and I sighed in relief as it didn't break, I crawled down the web carefully and landed lightly on the car, I could hear sirens in the distance but my enhanced hearing could also hear the sound of my web snapping a bit.

"Okay, calm down, everythings going to be fine," I told one of the kids.

I opened the door and the car swayed dangerously as the door broke off and fell towards the ocean. The kid backed away from the door but I held out a hand to him.

"Hey, it's alright, you'll be just fine, trust me," I told him.

He sniffed and after his dad gave him an encouraging nod he took my hand, I lifted him out of the car and used one hand to hold him.

"Okay, this part will be scary so just close your eyes and hold tight onto me," I whispered, "You're going to be fine, I promise,"

He nodded and buried his head into my shoulder while his small arms were wrapped tightly around my neck. I took a deep breath and let myself fall backwards off the car towards the ocean, I did a backflip before shooting a web back up onto the bridge. The kid screaming and his nails dug into my neck through the suit, I swung up and let go of the web, I landed lightly on the bridge and paramedics, police officers, firemen and random people came rushing over.

I placed the kid on the ground and he was taken away.

"The web is snapping!" screamed a citizen.

I ran to the side of the bridge and it was snapping. 

"Spider-Man, if you go down there and put any more weight on the car the web will snap," said a police officer.

"What do you expect me to do?" I demanded.

"Look, we can try to do everything as best as we can but there's a high chance that they can't be saved," he said, "We were alerted that the Avengers were coming,"

"No, I'm not going to let them die," I said.

The police officer tried to grab my arm but I sprinted away back over to the car, I jumped over the edge and shot a web onto the bridge catching myself, I lowered myself down until I was right next to the front door where the adult was. I carefully opened the door and blocked out the sirens and the sound of the web snapping.

"You won't be able to carry me," said the adult sadly.

"You'd be surprised," I replied.

I grabbed his arm in a tight grip and shot a web around our arms so it was secure.

"You ready?" I asked.

He nodded and I let go of the web I was holding to and pulled him after me, his scream pierced the air but I shot another web back onto the bridge and swung us back up. I stuck to the side of the bridge and climbed up dragging him after me, he climbed over the rail and people surrounded us but I heard the sound of the Iron Man suit flying towards the bridge. I groaned and I turned away.

"My daughter! My daughter is still in the car!" screamed the man I had just saved.

"What!" I demanded.

I mentally face palmed myself, he was right, there were three people in the car. The web was about to snap and without thinking I jumped over the edge after the car, the web snapped just as I reached the car and the girls scream pierced my skull. As the car was falling I stuck to the outside and wrenched open the door.

"What are you doing!" I heard Tony scream.

I grabbed the little girls arm and pulled her out of the care, I saw Iron Man flying down towards us. I threw the little girl towards him and I saw him catch her, I jumped away from the car and shot a long web back up to the bridge, my heels skimmed the water and I swung around the bridge and landed back on it. I saw the man hugging his children, he stood up and hugged Iron Man.

"Thank you, for saving my kids and me," he sobbed.

Bitterness filled me, I was the one that saved him and his kids but of course, when Iron Man showed up all my work was shoved aside and he was always the hero and I would always be in his shadow.

I turned away from the scene and shot a web onto the top of the bridge and swung back to the city and those words echoed through my head again.

I wanted you to be better.

Sorry, I haven't been updated that much this week but tomorrow is the last day of school! (In Australia) I'll be able to post a lot more and I know I forgot the shoutouts the past chapters but I promised they will be coming soon. Anyway, hope you're enjoying this story and sorry for the mistakes in it.

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