Chapter ~ 32

571 16 4

Peter's POV

I dropped Hallie off back at her apartment and quickly swung back to the Avenger's Base, news reporters were already on there way to the Avengers Base in trucks and vans. I went through the window into my room and pulled on a slightly oversized navy blue hoodie and black jeans over my Spider-Man suit. I pulled on my sneakers and quickly scribbled a note and stuck it on my door, I grabbed my credit card which only had around $50 on it. 

I went out the back and flicked my hood up even though I still had my mask on. I swung through the city around the back alleyways and on all the screens the same news report and videos were playing of Beck. I swung all the way to the train station and I pulled off my mask and shoved it in my hoodie pocket, I flicked my hood down and walked up to the ticket booth.

"Hello sir, how far can sixty dollars take me?" I asked the ticket booth person.

He typed a few things up on his computer and drummed his fingers against the counter.

"It can take you to Philadelphia," he replied.

"Okay, can I have one ticket to Philadelphia," 

I handed him my credit card and I had exactly 50 dollars left on it, he handed me the train ticket and I thanked him and sat on a seat waiting for the train to appear. I threw away my credit card since I had no use for it now because I had no money left in my bank account or May's. 

I shivered as a cold breeze swept through the train station, people that walked by gave me strange looks but I ignored them. It must look weird for a 16-year-old kid to be sitting here by themselves with no bags or anything. 

Finally, my train arrived and I sat at the back, there were only three other people in this carriage and they were all facing away from me and listening to music. I pulled on my Spider-Man mask and flicked my hood up and looked down at my feet.

"Karen, can you pull up the live news report?" I whispered.

"Sure thing Peter," she replied.

It appeared in front of me and there were hundreds of news reporters and interviewers crowding the front doors of the Avengers Base banging on the front door. I felt guilty and closed the video, I sighed and sat back and looked out the window as the dark fields raced by.

"Can you text Hallie Mckinnon?" I asked.

"Sure thing, what do you want me to text her?" replied Karen.

"Tell her that I'm going out of New York and I probably won't be around for a while,"

"Text sent,"

I waited for a while until a message appeared in front of me.

Where are you headed? I'm really worried about you

Don't be, I can't tell you where I'm headed since Tony can probably hack your phone

Please Peter, at least give me a rough idea, I promise I'm not going to tell anyone

Fine, I'm headed towards Pennslyvania 

Promise you'll text me a lot to tell me that you're okay

Okay, but you can't tell any of the Avengers anything okay?


I pulled off my mask and stuffed it back into my pocket and pulled down my hood so I didn't look as sketchy. The ticket inspector came in and checked the other people's tickets and then he got to me. I handed him my ticket and he scanned it, eyeing me suspiciously.

"Why are you going to Philadelphia?" he asked.

I frowned, it was really none of his business but I didn't want to seem rude so I gave him a fake smile.

"I have family over there," I lied.

He nodded and moved on to the next carriage, I sighed in relief and relaxed into my seat. I tried to think of places I could stay in Philadelphia but I had no money so I knew I'd be on the streets. Anger and betrayal flashed through me as I thought about Beck, I knew I'd have to be careful now and I couldn't swing around as Spider-Man anymore since I'd probably be handed over to the police as soon as someone sees me. But, I could walk around as Peter Parker perfectly fine, the only thing I'd have to look out for is Child services and police since Tony might've called them.

I walked around the busy streets of Philadelphia and I looked up at the tall buildings and I longed to swing between them and do flips in the air. I loved how the adrenaline flooded through me as I fell through the sky and then caught myself at the last second and flying back up. Beck had told the whole world that I was some villain and I hated him for it, I guess the only thing I could do was become a villain but I promised my Uncle I would help the world. 

I sighed and turned down an alleyway, thankfully no one was in there and there was a garbage bin in there that I could sit down behind. I sighed as I sat down on the cold concrete with my knees drawn up to my chest to try and keep my body warmth together.

Little did I know that life was about to get a whole lot harder...

Hey Guys!

I just want to thank you so much for 1.1k reads! We almost have 100 votes as well and I want to thank you for supporting and reading this. If you have any suggestions or questions feel free to leave them down below! <3 

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