Chapter ~ 26

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Peter's POV

I walked out into the main area and didn't look anyone in the eye. Mysterio was glaring at Tony when he walked in and I could feel Tony's eyes looking at me. Cap was there, as well as Nat, Thor, Clint, Bruce and Vision. 

"So, we should get started discussing things," said Nick Fury.

"Yes we should," agreed Tony.

We all discussed the missions and stuff we were going to do and it was extremely awkward, I avoided eye contact with everyone and only contributed to the conversation when I absolutely had to. Tony kept staring at me throughout the meeting which made everything a lot more awkward, but finally, the meeting finished. I was about to go do some training with Mysterio when Tony called out my name. I sighed and turned around and looked him straight in the eye for the first time.

"What?" I replied.

"We need to talk, it won't take long," he said.

I looked at Beck and he gave me a look saying 'I'll be close by if you need me' I nodded and then he flew off. Tony and I jumped up to the top of the nearest apartment building and I folded my arms across my chest.

"Okay, what do you want to talk about?" I asked coldly.

"Everything, why did you leave the Avengers? Why did you join SHIELD, and why have you been ignoring me for the past year and a half?" he demanded.

"First of all, you were on a mission in London or something I dunno, you were somewhere doing a mission so even if I wanted to talk to you I couldn't," I replied, "And secondly when you took my suit away you didn't even bother to check up on me. Did you even know that we had to sell most things in our apartment to make a living?"

"I know, I saw the empty apartment and the man said that your Aunt was sick, is she alright now?" asked Tony.

I felt tears welling up in my eyes and I turned away from Tony.

"She's dead," I spat.

There was a long silence between us and then I felt Tony's hand on my shoulder, I flinched and jumped away from him in anger.

"Don't you dare act like things can return back to normal!" I snapped, "You'd think that if someone hasn't spoken to you in two years you'd get the hint that they don't want to talk to you ever again,"

"Peter, I had no idea, you could've called me and told me everything," he replied calmly.

"Look, let's just forget about everything okay? You're an Avenger and I'm apart of SHIELD and that's that," I sighed.

"Okay fine, but if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here okay?"

I nodded and then shot a web onto the building on the other side of the street and swung away, tears fell from my eyes and I stopped on top of a building and wiped them away. 

Where was Tony when I needed him the most?

Hey Guys,

I have some bad news. Unfortunately, I'm am going camping for a week so there will be no wifi. I'm really sorry about this but I won't be posting for a week but I promise there will be a new chapter on the 6th of July in Australian time. I believe that is the 5th of July for Americans but I'm not really sure. I'm really sorry and also sorry that this chapter is so short I'm literally about to leave now so I didn't have enough time to write a full chapter. Anyway, hope you guys are enjoying the story so far!

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