Chapter ~ 42

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Peter's POV

I was working on some holiday homework when there was a knock on my door, I pressed a button on my desk and the music turned off. Harley opened the door and gave me a worried smile.

"What's up Harley?" I asked.

"Dad has been acting really weird and he's been going to a lot of meetings with Cap and stuff, he always seems worried and I came here to ask you if you knew anything about it?" Harley asked as he sat on my bed.

"No I have no idea, Tony's been acting normal at dinner and stuff and ever since the drunk incident I haven't really talked to him," I replied.

"Are you going to those meetings with him and Cap?"

"No, I think it's a one on one session or something like that. Look, I'm sure it's nothing and if it was a big deal then he'd tell us," 

Harley nodded and suddenly I heard Tony call everyone into the living room and I gave Harley a look saying 'I told you'.

We went out into the living room and Tony was in his Iron Man suit and I frowned.

"I hate to do this but I have a mission to go on so I'll be away for the rest of the day, you three will be here by yourselves, I'm only a phone call away alright?" Tony said.

"Why am I not going on this mission?" I asked.

"We need you here to look after Harley and Morgan alright? It's not a massive mission anyway, we're just going to check something out and then we'll be back," 

I frowned but he clapped my shoulder and gave me a look. He hugged us and kissed us on the head before leaving with the other Avengers, Harley shot me a look and I shrugged. I got an uneasy feeling in my stomach so I went into my room and changed into my suit, I focused my enhanced hearing and I could hear the cars all the way out on the street which was a while away since the driveway was really long.

After a few minutes, my phone rang and it was Tony. I frowned and Karen answered it in the mask of my suit.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"The mission we went on was a trap, those people are after you Harley and Morgan, get those two out of there we're coming as fast as we can!" shouted Tony.

As if on cue I heard a window smash downstairs, I jumped up and ran into the living room to see Harley and Morgan looking scared.

"Okay I got it, Tony," I replied and then I hung up.

I grabbed Morgan and Harley's arms and pulled them after me down the hallway, I went into the science lab and pressed a button underneath one of the benches revealing the weapon display. I grabbed a pistol and a small knife from the rack and closed it, I pushed the pistol into Harley's hands and gave the small knife to Morgan.

"Peter! What's going on!" shouted Harley.

"The mission that dad went on was a trap and no they're after us, you two need to get out of here right now!" I explained quickly, "Do you know how to use a pistol?"

"Y-yeah," Harley replied.

"Don't get caught, look after Morgan and try and sneak out and sprint as far away from here as possible and then find a public phone and call dad,"

I sent them out the fire escape and then I ran back into the living room where multiple men dressed in black were standing. They started firing as soon as I entered and I flipped around and dodged all the bullets, I was so thankful that my suit was bulletproof otherwise I'd definitely be dead. 

Suddenly, I heard gunshots from downstairs and Morgan's scream. I quickly shot a web onto and ceiling and pulled myself forward kicking two guys in the chest, I ran out of the room and shot my web down to the ground floor lobby, I skidded to a halt when I saw a man with grey hair and eyes holding Morgan with a gun to her head. Another guy dressed in black was holding Harley back, the men I was fighting before all came running down and I knew I was screwed.

"Take off your mask and throw it on the floor or I shoot your sister," threatened the man.

I slowly brought my hand up and pulled off my mask and threw it on the ground, the man's cold grey eyes bored into mine. My spider-sense went off and out of the corner of my eye I could see someone moving forward with a club, they swung it and I ducked kicking the man's legs. The other men advanced in and I flipped over them kicking a few to the ground and knocking their weapons out of their hands. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my neck and then it released. It felt like all my energy was drained out of me and I collapsed onto the ground and my eyes closed and the darkness welcomed me...

I blinked a few times and everything seemed a darkish grey, panic filled my head and random questions and thoughts ran through my mind. Was I blind? What happened? Where were Morgan and Harley? Am I dead? I took a deep breath and raised myself up onto my elbow when I looked around I sort of sighed in relief, Morgan and Harley were on the other side of the room quietly talking and I wasn't going blind since we were in a dark grey cell.

"Harley? Morgan?" 

They looked over to me Harley skidded towards me as I pushed myself up into a sitting position.

"Do you have any idea where we are?" I asked.

Harley shook his head and suddenly Morgan barreled herself into me and squeezed me in a tight hug.

"I'm scared Peter," she sobbed.

"Shh, everything will be fine, I promise, dad will come for us," I replied.

I looked at Harley and I knew he knew that Tony wouldn't be coming for us. These people seemed way too advanced to let Tony track them down. Once I had calmed Morgan down she sat between Harley and I and sniffed, we talked for a bit about an escape plan but suddenly the door swung open and the same man with the grey eyes walked in with a woman. She had a black bob cut with bright red lipstick and a big mole on her chin with a pointed nose.

I jumped up ready to attack but he pointed a gun towards Morgan and Harley and I placed my hands down by my sides.

"Let's go!" he barked at me.

He cocked his gun towards the door and I walked out the door and it slammed shut behind me leaving Morgan and Harley trapped in the room.

No matter what happens I would protect them since Tony told me to look after them and if anything happened to them, Tony would never forgive me...

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