Chapter ~ 5

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Hallie's POV

Peter and I have been hanging out a lot more ever since we were put together for the English project. At school, we didn't hang out that much because Flash would murder him if he saw us hanging out, so we pretended that we didn't even know each other at school. Obviously, Cindy knew about this and she argued with me saying that Peter could deal with Flash but as long as I was living with Flash knew I couldn't talk to Peter at school.

We would always go to his apartment after school and do a bit of our English project before ordering some food and watching a movie while talking. 

"Where are your parents, they're like never home," I asked one day.

"My Aunt works late shifts most nights she's never really home," he replied shrugging.

"What about your mum and dad?" 

"They died in a plane crash when I was 5 and my Uncle was murdered in a home invasion when I was 10,"

I stayed silent for a second guilt flooding through me. Peter and I have been friends for a few weeks now and I can't believe I never asked him about his family after I told him everything about mine.

"I-I'm so sorry," I mumbled.

"Honestly, it's fine, it's been ages since it happened so I've dealt with all the sad soppy stuff," he replied half joking.

I gave him a sad smile and decided to change to subject.

"So, do you have anything edible in your house?" I asked getting up off the couch.

"Nope, most of the stuff in the fridge is for May since she works all the time," he called back.

I opened his fridge and there was a bunch of canned foods and leftovers. I closed the fridge grabbing my phone calling the nearest pizza place while Peter pulled up a movie on his phone since he didn't have a TV or computer.

"It's getting late, I should start walking home," I said.

"Do you want me to walk you home?" he asked.

"Nah it's fine, I texted my mum before so she'll be outside in a second," I replied, "Are you doing to DC for the decathlon trip?" 

"Yeah, we leave tomorrow don't we?" 

I nodded and my phone dinged telling me that my mum was waiting outside, Peter said goodbye to me and I had an urge to kiss him on the cheek but I managed to catch myself just in time and I smiled at him and said goodbye before running down the stairs. 

As I sat in the car I sighed. Peter was my best friend and I never thought of him as anything more. Was I falling for him? I've only been friends with him for a few weeks and I was sure that he didn't like me.

The next day I woke up to Flash arguing with my little sister, Alex, and I groaned dragging myself out of my bed pulling on the navy blue school jumper and some jeans with the yellow blazer because we were going on an excursion. I walked out into the kitchen rubbing my eyes and blinked against the bright glare of the sunlight on the white tiles.

"Morning sweetie!" sang my mum from the kitchen.

"Morning," I mumbled.

"Are you two all packed for the Decathlon trip?" asked my Auntie (Flash's mum)

"Yep," replied Flash while I just nodded.

"Finally, I'll get some peace and quiet in this house," muttered Alex.

I rolled my eyes ignoring her moody thirteen-year-old self while pouring myself a bowl of cereal, I texted Peter as I ate ignoring Flash's and Alex's banter. 

Ugh plz save me, Flash and Alex r arguing again

When aren't they arguing

Good point lol

I finished getting ready and slung my duffel bag over my shoulder, after saying a quick goodbye to everyone I left the apartment building with Flash and we walked in silence to school. Flash and I didn't get along, but we didn't fight all the time we mainly just ignored each other and only spoke to each other when we had too. But, when Peter was involved Flash became protective of me and it always sparked an argument between us.

I arrived at the bus and I sat near the back with Cindy, Peter came running in at the last second apologising and almost tripped of Flash's leg as he made his way down the bus.

"Watch where you're going, Parker," spat Flash.

Peter turned away rolling his eyes and he smiled when he saw me, he sat up the back with Ned and they were both whispering about something. I frowned, Peter and Ned were always talking about private things and usually, they'd just say it was about the Stark internship but Peter told me that he lost the internship about a month ago. Peter also has a habit of disappearing in the middle of school, numerous times he'd just not show up to a lesson and then come in halfway through claiming he had just lost a book. Cindy told me that before I came to this school two months ago that he'd disappear a lot more and sometimes he'd even wag school which landed him in trouble. But, his grades were always the highest in the class and he doesn't even need to study for any tests. He can just look up at the board and answer the questions, even if he wasn't paying attention. I knew something was up with Peter and I was going to find out, hopefully, one day if he trusted me enough. He could tell me.

We were running down to the pool when Peter's and Ned's hotel room door opened and Peter stepped out with his bag in a hoodie and jeans.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I-I'm going down to the lobby t-to study," he stammered.

"Really? Peter, you're like the smartest person I know, you don't need to study, plus, I heard that doing an activity before a big event is proven to reduce stress," interrupted Liz.

"Come on Liz!" whisper-shouted Cindy.

"Hopefully I'll see you down there," added Liz before running off with the others.

"You suck at lying Peter, where are you actually going?" I asked.

"N-nowhere," he replied.

I sighed and rolled my arms.

"Okay whatever, remind me to give you lessons on how to lie after the competition," I said.

He smiled and I giggled before running after the rest of the group to the pool. My suspicions about Peter grew and I told myself that I'd ask Ned where he went. 

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