Chapter ~ 25

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Mysterio/Beck's POV

"Beck!" I heard someone scream.

I looked around and then something solid rammed into me sending me crashing onto the ground and a second later there was a deafening bang and I saw Peter standing up, I tried to warn him but the fire and smoke came billowing towards me and everything went dark...

I opened my eyes and I was the night sky clouded with smoke, I coughed as I tried to breathe in since all I got was smoke. I tried to move but my body would not respond since I was absolutely exhausted, I moved my head around and that's when I noticed a body next to mine. I froze when I saw the Spider-Man mask and I grabbed Peter's arm shaking it.

"Peter! Peter wake up!" I shouted while I gasped for breath.

I saw his head move and then his arm and relief flooded through me, at least he was alive. He coughed and struggled to pull the mask off his head, once he got it off he collapsed down from his half raised position. He tried to breathe in but got a lungful of smoke and coughed violently.

"Peter, don't freak out, it's just going to make things worse," I told him through gasps.

"I w-wasn't going to freak out," he choked out.

My eyelids felt so heavy and when I looked back over to Peter his eyes were closed, I pulled his arm again.

"Don't fall asleep Peter, you have to stay awake," I told him.

He forced his eyes open again but he was struggling to keep them open and so was I. Everything was going blurry and my ears were ringing a lot but I could hear the sound of muffled voices and suddenly Marissa was kneeling over me.

"Beck, you have to stay with me okay," she said.

I nodded since it felt like the smoke was stopping me from speaking. 

"Parker, you need to open your eyes again," I heard Jacob say to my right where Peter was.

I turned my head and Peter looked lifeless just lying on the ground, his face was covered in cuts and ash and dirt covered his face. 

Everything else passed by in a blur, we were loaded into the back of a SHIELD truck and an oxygen mask went over my nose and mouth. The air felt so clear and light and I took deep breaths which made me cough even more. The ride seemed to take forever and my eyelids were so heavy, I tried to stay awake but my eyes finally closed.

Silence. Why was it so quiet and dark, were my eyes open? I realised my eyes were still closed and I slowly forced them open. The room was dark and I waited for my eyes to adjust to the darkness, I sat up and groaned as my muscles protested. I laid back down again sighing and I looked around the room. I saw another bed on the other side of the room and they were moving around in their sleep mumbling something. I slowly got out of my bed and changed into some casual clothes and limped over to the other bed. Peter was moving around in his sleep and he seemed to be having a nightmare.

"Peter, wake up!" I yelled.

I shook him and suddenly he jolted upright and literally front flipped off the bed and landed on the ground, his knees buckled and he grabbed onto the rail that was on the side of his bed to stop himself from crashing to the ground.

"What the heck?" I said confused, "What was that about?"

"Just be thankful I didn't punch you in the face," he replied, "You gave me a fricking heart attack,"

"Are you okay? You were like having a nightmare or something," 

"Yeah, I'm fine," he panted.

I decided not to push the subject and went back to my own bed since my legs were starting to shake, Peter disappeared behind the curtain and got dressed into some casual clothes and sat back on his bed.

We talked for a bit about random stuff when the door opened and light flooded into the room, Fury and Marissa walked in and pulled open the blinds making my eyes hurt slightly.

"Good to see you two awake," said Fury.

"How are you feeling?" asked Marissa.

"I'm fine, just exhausted," I replied.

"You're lucky to be alive, you two were so close to the blast that any normal human would've died instantly," said Marissa.

"Anyway, since you two are feeling fine then we have a meeting with Tony Stark in a few hours," said Fury.

"What! Why? I thought SHIELD hated him!" asked Peter.

"Relax Parker, since all the HYDRA agents died in the explosion we just need to discuss what's going to happen from there," explained Fury, "There are quite a few threats appearing and whether you like it or not the Avengers will be there so you need to meet them so if you guys need to work together then everything is sorted,"

Peter rolled his eyes and shook his head and I stayed silent. Peter has told me all about Tony Stark and honestly, I hated him, I've seen him on the news as well and he was fake. I was also pissed at him for leaving Peter all by himself, like, Peter thought of him as his dad and then he just left when he wasn't being Spider-Man which just showed how shady he was.

A few hours later our suits had been washed and fixed up and we were wearing them, Peter was in my room and we were nervously waiting for the moment they arrived. Peter was furiously typing on his phone and I was playing over all the bad things that could happen.

There was a knock on the door and it opened, Marissa stuck her head in and even she looked nervous.

"They're here," she announced.

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