Chapter ~ 30

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Peter's POV

I limped through the empty green fields with my mask in one hand and my other hand was on my right leg where the bullet wound was. I stole a massive orange soccer shirt from someone's backyard and I was wearing it over my suit so people couldn't see that I was Spider-Man. 

I heard the sound of a jet overhead and when I looked up I saw that it was one of Mr Stark's jets and different emotions flowed through me. I prayed that Mr Stark wasn't on the jet but I knew he probably was, I stopped walking as the jet landed in front of me and the stairs folded down onto the grass. Tony walked down in his Iron Man suit and my Spider senses went crazy and fear flowed through my body.

"Peter? Are you okay?" he asked as his mask disappeared into the rest of his suit.

"Tony? Is that you?" I asked cautiously.

"Yeah, of course, it's me,"

"Stop!" I shouted as he continued to walk forward. He did stop and he was taken aback, "Tell me something only you would know,"

"What, why? Peter are you okay?" he asked.

"Just tell me something only you would not," I said quieter than before.

He paused and then thought about it for a while.

"Remember when I took you to fight Captain America in Germany? My code word for you to come into battle was Underoos and then you flipped in and stole his shield," he said.

My spider sense was still tingling and I took a few steps back and looked down at my wrists, I still had a bit of web left in my web shooters and then I'd have to run back the other way since we were in a field.

"Peter, I promise it's me," said Tony as he noticed what I was doing, "I'm not going to hurt you,"

He pressed his arc reactor and his suit disappeared and he slowly took a step forward. I was debating whether I should believe him or not, I killed Beck so his holograms shouldn't be real anymore. I realised that TONY STARK was standing in front of him and I was an absolute jerk to him and I didn't listen to him even though he was right all along.

"I'm so sorry Tony, I should've listened to you and I was such a jerk and I don't deserve to be here right now and you were right about everything, you were right about Beck and about SHIELD and I'm sorry I punched in the park ages ago I was just upset that May died and-" 

"Whoa calm down Peter, it's fine I don't blame you, it's okay," he said in a calming voice.

He was right in front of me now and his hand was on my shoulder, I relaxed a little bit and he pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged him back and let out a shaky breath.

"You're going to have to tell me what happened okay?" he said concerned.

I nodded and we pulled apart, I limped towards the jet and Mr Stark walked slowly next to me. When we got inside the jet my spider sense screamed at me and I didn't even know what I was doing. I did a front flip and blindly shot a web at the person and landed, my right leg gave out underneath me and I managed to grab onto the railing on the wall before I could hit the ground. I looked up and Happy's hand was stuck to the wall by my web and I groaned and ran a hand through my hair.

"I'm so sorry Happy I didn't know it was you and I just, freaked out," I apologised.

"It's fine," he replied.

I let go of the railing and it was crushed and bent because of my super strength, I ignored it and limped over to Happy, I ripped at the web and after a few tries, I finally pulled it off the wall and freed Happy's hand. 

"Sorry," I apologised again.

"It's fine," he said smiling.

He went into the drivers part of the jet and I saw Mr Stark looking at the crushed handrail that I broke and I opened my mouth to apologise but he gave me a look and I closed my mouth because I knew he'd probably kill me if I apologised one more time.

The jet door closed and Mr Stark led me over to a seat, my muscles thanked me as I finally got to sit down. I explained everything to Mr Stark and what Beck was doing, I avoided the part where I got hit by a train because I knew he would freak out if I told him.

"Where is Beck? What happened to him?" he asked.

I opened my mouth to reply but then I stopped as I remembered Beck's dead body and how I shot him. The realisation hit me and guilt filled me as I remembered how I just shot him and killed him in an instant.

"I shot him," I whispered.

Tony was silent for a second and then his arm was around my shoulders and he pulled me closer to him.

"You shouldn't feel bad about that, Beck could've killed multiple people and if you kept him alive he would've hurt thousands of people and he might've succeeded in his goal," he said.

I nodded even though I knew I still shouldn't have killed him, I've killed HYDRA agents before when I threw them out of the helicopter but I didn't have to see the light leave there eyes. 

"Now, I have to have a serious talk with you," he said.

I frowned, we were just having a serious talk, weren't we?

"I've seen you with a certain someone, what's her name?" 

I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"Hallie, we're not really dating anymore," I mumbled.

"Just some pointers, don't drop her when you're swinging okay? Because that can terrify them, and don't-" he began.

"No! I don't need to hear it, Mr Stark!" I shouted blocking my ears.

I shot a web onto the ceiling and swung to the other side and landed on the seat on the other side. Tony was laughing and I couldn't help but smile back.

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