Chapter ~ 45

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Peter's POV

The next morning when I went into the living room everyone was still sleeping so I decided not to bother them since I was the only one going to school. I went back into my room and got ready for the day and slung my bag over my shoulder, I wrote a quick note and left it on the counter as I left.

I walked to the train by myself and it felt strange, usually, Harley and Morgan would be with me and they'd be talking about random stuff that I never really paid any attention to. Harley and Morgan couldn't be alone ever since they came back, so Pepper and Tony were really busy trying to comfort Harley and Morgan while doing there work. I didn't want to add to their problems so that's why I didn't tell them about my nightmares and guilt. 

At school, I told Ned, MJ and Hallie everything and they provided a great amount of support and listened to all my problems. Hallie was holding my hand under the table at lunch and throughout the day I found myself laughing a lot with her and it felt just like old times. Flash tried to taunt me but ever since I punched him he's been scared of me, he also wants revenge but I don't know how he's going to come up with something like that. 

After school, I was walking out with Hallie and I saw Clint in his car and I remembered that I was taking a driver's test after school.

"I gotta go, I'm getting my license tonight," I told her.

"Okay good luck," she replied smiling.

I smiled back and suddenly she leaned in and kissed me, I kissed her back and it lasted for about 3 seconds. 

"I'll see you tomorrow!" I called back as I ran to Clint's car.

I jumped into the front seat and Clint was smiling.

"Who was that?" he asked smirking.

"A friend," I replied shortly.

"You were kissing,"

"It's complicated, we were dating but we decided to take a pause and I don't really know what's happening between us now," I explained.

Clint nodded and I rambled on about the car rules and stuff and he told me it was all correct.

I went in and did the test and I passed with 100%, I got my license and drove back to the Avengers Base. 

"You coming with me tonight?" he asked.

"Yeah, what time do I meet you?" I asked.

"7:30 PM," 

I nodded and ran off to Bruce's lab and burst in and threw my bag onto the ground.

"Sorry, I know I said I'd meet you after school but I had my driver's test and I completely forgot to tell you about it," I rambled.

"It's fine Peter, don't sweat it, let's get to work," he replied.

We worked for an hour on the project and it was half-way done, Bruce was quizzing me on physics and maths since I had my first finals exam on Monday and I was studying for it. If I didn't understand something he'd explain it to me and sometimes I'd understand but other times it would take a bit longer for me to understand it. Bruce was patient with me though, unlike Tony and he didn't get angry if I accidentally broke something in the lab. At 5:15 I cleaned up the lab bench and told Bruce I had to go help Rhodey with something and he thanked me.

I went down the hall and knocked on Rhodey's door where music was blasting from.

"Rhodey!" I shouted over the music as I opened the door.

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