Chapter ~ 43

317 15 4

1 month later

Harley's POV

Hope was a word I've been trying to hold onto ever since I arrived here but it was slowly slipping away from me, it was like trying to hold water in your hands. All the interrogations, slaps, punches and kicks are one step closer to giving up but I have to be strong for Morgan and I have to encourage her to keep going and be brave. She's been slapped a few times and starved but she was actually doing better than I thought, she had to watch her brother give up and get tortured every day but that gave her more motivation to be like her brother. The man was trying to get the code to all of the Avengers details and I knew that Peter knew what it was but he wouldn't tell him, he was cut, whipped, drugged, kicked, punched, starved and strangled but he wouldn't tell them anything even though he's given up trying to fight against them.

Peter was thrown back into the cell covered in more blood, dirt and cuts and he let out a raspy cough as he lent back against the wall. We were all exhausted and filthy and we could hardly think straight so trying to come up with an idea to escape was useless. 

"Peter, dad isn't coming isn't he?" Morgan asked quietly as tears rolled from her eyes.

I looked over at Peter and he looked away from Morgan and then shook his head.

"He doesn't even know where we are," Peter replied.

Morgan started sobbing and I enveloped her in a hug as she sobbed into my shoulder. 

"We're going to die here," she wailed.

"No, I promise, I will find a way out of here," 

"You keep saying that but's it been a month Peter!" shouted Morgan.

Peter bit his lip and looked away from her, after a few minutes he sighed and then stood up quickly.

"Morgan, when the guard comes in close your eyes okay?" Peter told her and she sniffed and nodded, "Harley, carry Morgan and look away as well and then follow me and listen to me,"

I nodded and Morgan jumped onto my back like a piggyback and buried her head in my neck as the door opened and the guard came in. The guard saw us and then I saw Peter pull a knife out of his suit and that's when I looked away. I heard the strangled cry and fear rose up in my chest because I knew exactly what happened but I didn't want to face it. My brother just killed someone, my brother just killed someone, my brother just killed someone. I couldn't believe he did it even if he did do it so we could escape.

"Don't look at it and follow me," he warned.

I kept my eyes trained on the wall and followed him out of the room, we ran through the many hallways and Peter grabbed his web shooters from the office. He smashed a window which caused an alarm to ring out, I jumped out the window and started running down the long driveway as Peter told me to do. Morgan was down next to me now and she was running next to me, the rocks hurt our bare feet but we kept running, we ran across a massive field until we saw a city up ahead and relief flooded through me. We found the nearest payphone but we didn't have any coins, Peter came to the payphone a minute later since he had to deal with all those guys.

"We need money," I said desperately.

Peter looked around and then ran over to a bike, I watched as he bent the metal and ripped a small part of metal off the bike. He shaped it into a coin shape and then jammed it into the machine and dialled the number, with trembling hands I brought the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" said the familiar but tired voice.

I opened my mouth to say something but I was overcome with emotion and I didn't know what to say.

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