Chapter ~ 40

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Peter's POV

It was midnight and all the adults were wildly drunk and they were shouting inappropriate things that Morgan doesn't need to here. Harley and Morgan were getting tired but they tried not to show it, I got up and went to find Pepper to tell her we wanted to go home but I didn't know that Harley and Morgan followed me until I heard someone drunkenly shout out their names.

I spun around to see a drunk Tony slurring his words and saying inappropriate things to the two of them, I was torn between finding Pepper or telling Tony to back away. Suddenly, I saw Tony grab Morgan's arm and I was over there in a flash. I pulled Morgan's arm out of Tony's grip and stood in front of them.

"Tony you need to calm down, you're really drunk," I said calmly.

"Don't ter me to cam down," he slurred.

"Harley take Morgan outside please,"

"No! You two argh stayin right ere," shouted Tony.

I gave Harley and look and he quickly left with Morgan and they went outside.

"You can't tell them what to do! That's my job bring them back in here so they can have a drink!" he screamed.

"Tony your drunk," I stated calmly.

"Do accuse me of being such a thing, I told you to bring them back in here!"

"No! As long as your drunk you can't tell them to do anything," I shouted.

I didn't even see his fist fly towards my face, it connected with my eye and I fell to the ground. I was in shock; I would have never thought Tony would've punched me and damn it hurt like hell. I got back up to my feet and walked away from him, but his nails pierced into my shoulder, everyone was screaming and the lights in the bar seemed way too bright. All I could smell was alcohol and my vision was blurred and I stumbled a bit.

"Where are you going?" demanded Tony.

His voice was loud. Far too loud then it should've been. Everything was spinning and blurry and the lights were hurting my eyes. People were everywhere and they were all screaming as well, I backed away from Tony and tripped over something, I smashed the back of my head against the corner of the table and it hurt. I stumbled back up to my feet and the door looked like it was ages away, people bumped into me and my breathing became faster and panic start to fill me.

I shot a web onto the ceiling and swung over the crowd to the door, I shoved it open and stumbled out into the snow and the cold air. People were still outside as well, horns and sirens were going off in the city but it felt like they were right next to my ear.

"Peter? Are you okay what's going on!" Harley screamed.

I flinched away from the sound and took and deep breath and closed my eyes when I opened them the world had stopped spinning but the lights on the streets were far too bright.

"Let's go," I said.

I started walking through the streets with my head down to avoid the bright lights, I could hear everyone's footsteps and it felt like someone was banging a drum next to my ears. I walked faster and since I didn't have my card for the train we had to walk.

"Peter where are we going?" asked Harley fearfully, "We should just call a taxi,"

His voice pierced my skull and I flinched again, my spider sense was on full alert and every time a person walked past it was screaming at me and try and tell me that they were a threat.

"We can't call a taxi," I replied.

We walked in silence until finally in the freezing cold and I was shivering so much since I could thermoregulate. When I walked through the snow the sound was far too loud and Harley and Morgan were behind me as well, I could hear them breathing and their heartbeats, their heartbeats were fast, and I could tell that they were scared. We finally made it inside and I basically ran to my room and shut the room and slid to the floor.

"FRIDAY?" I said closing my eyes.

"Yes Peter," she replied quietly which I was thankful for.

"Turn on the sensory overload protocol," I told her.

The blinds closed at a dim red light flooded the room which made my eyes feel normal again, the walls of my room became soundproof and I drew my knees up to my chest and hugged them trying to calm myself down.

FRIDAY kept talking to me and asking me questions which was part of the protocol so I could keep my mind distracted. Her voice was quiet, like a whisper and I replied to her questions which were mainly just math equations.

"How did you get your black eye?" asked FRIDAY.

"Tony punched me when he was drunk because he was scared Morgan and Harley," I replied.

There was a silence and I sighed softly.

"Scans have concluded that your sensory overload is over, would you like me to turn off the light?" asked FRIDAY.

"Yes please, but can you keep my door locked and the soundproof walls up still?" I asked.

"Of course, Peter,"

The red light turned off and I was left in darkness, I made my way over to my bed and climbed into the covers into a tight ball shivering.

At three in the morning, FRIDAY alerted me that Tony was back at the Avengers Base and he wanted to enter my room.

"Is he drunk?" I asked.

"He is not drunk, but the alcohol is still in his system," she replied.

"No, don't unlock the door,"

"He seems quite worried about you and wants to help you with your Sensory Overload,"

"My sensory overload is almost finished tell him I'm fine," I mumbled.

FRIDAY didn't say anything after that and I pulled the blankets tighter around myself and tried to fall asleep, but I kept remembered Tony's face when he punched me, I knew that he didn't mean it but what if it was Harley or Morgan? I got up and changed into my suit and climbed onto the windowsill.

"I don't recommend going out Peter, you are bleeding from the back of your head, and it may cause loss of consciousness," stated FRIDAY.

I ignored her and pulled my mask on and swung away from the Avengers Base. There weren't that many crimes since it was early in the morning but I stopped a robbery and a car theft which was kind of boring. I was shivering a lot my fingers were numb and I could barely hold onto my webs. 

When the sun started to rise I went back to the Avengers Base and crawled into my room changing into the warmest clothes I had. I wrapped my duvet around myself and looked at the sunrise.

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