Chapter ~ 33

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Peter's POV

6 months later

I walked past the fruit stall and I took a deep breath, I grabbed an apple for the stall, unfortunately, I heard the dreaded sound of someone shouting at me.


I heard footsteps and I took off running, the adult that was chasing me was pretty fast, I weaved my way through the massive crowds and people tried to grab me as I ran past but I pulled out of there grip and kept running. I ran down an alleyway and I could tell that the person that was chasing me thought he had me cornered. I didn't stop running and I climbed up the wall using my Spider sticking abilities but I switched sides so it looked like I was doing parkour. I jumped up on the roof and looked back down at the alleyway, the man was standing there looking up at me angrily.

"Thanks, man!" I called back showing him the apple I stole.

I walked along the roof and jumped between buildings in the early morning of Philadelphia. I flicked my hood down at let the cool wind hit my face. I sat down on the edge of a building with my legs dangling over the edge and munched on my apple. I smiled as I remembered the guy's stunned face when I climbed up the building wall. 

My smile faded when I saw the red fabric sticking out of my hoodie pocket. I pulled out my Spider-Man mask and sighed, I threw the apple core onto the roof and held the mask in my hands. I sighed and my smile faded as I looked out at the city, I still had my suit on underneath my hoodie and jeans so I always felt protected in the streets when thugs and thieves came to try and steal anything I might have.

If people saw Spider-Man right now they'd be disappointed, I've been stealing from stalls, beating up thugs until they bled and lived on the streets and in alleyways. I knew I wasn't using my power responsibly as Uncle Ben told me to do but I had to use my powers for bad to survive.

I jumped between buildings and swung through the back streets of Philadelphia so no one could see me, I came to a park and it was empty since the sun was still rising. I looked in the grimy bathroom mirror and put my hands on the dirty sink as I looked into it, my hair was messy and my face was dirty and I had a cut on my cheekbone which had become a lot more defined since I wasn't eating that much. I didn't know who I was, I bit my lip and a wave of anger rose up in me and I closed my eyes to try and calm me down but I couldn't. I punched my mirror with all my strength and it shattered to pieces and I made a hole right through the wall, I didn't care and I walked out of the bathroom, I had cut my suit where my hand was and my fingers and knuckles were cut and bleeding but I didn't care.

I swung back up to the buildings and looked for a food stall that I haven't stolen from before but it was too early in the morning and not many people were out. I sighed and pulled my mask on to talk to Karen since it was the only way to cure my boredom.

"Good Morning Peter, you have deep cuts on your hands that will need stitches, you are severely malnourished and-"

"Yeah I'll deal with it later," I interrupted, "Any sightings of Electro?"

"The last sighting was at 2:42 am when you were fighting him in the warehouse," she replied.

I sighed and for the rest of the day I jumped between rooftops since I wasn't safe on the ground, I stole from shops and stalls and just talked to Karen about random stuff until it was midnight. I asked Karen to alert me if Electro appeared anywhere, I jumped onto the rooftop I slept on every night. I pulled off my hoodie and jeans to reveal my suit underneath, I webbed them to the ground and pulled on my mask. I'm pretty sure the whole world knew about the video that Beck made and I'm also pretty sure that the whole world hated me. But, I only went out as Spider-Man during the night because of Electro and after I dealt with him I'd just turn back into Peter Parker. 

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