Chapter ~ 27

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(HEY GUYS! IM FINALLY BACK! But, unfortunately, I have some bad news for some people. I watched Spider-Man far from home and the rest of the book will have SPOILERS from the movie so if you haven't seen it then you should go watch it before reading this chapter!)


Beck's POV

1 month later

Anger and frustration were the emotions that were flooding through me right now. The Avengers were working with SHIELD now and Peter was talking to Tony Stark more which made me furious. Tony fired me because he said that the tech I was inventing was too dangerous, that was the main reason I became closer to Peter, so I could hurt Tony and make him pay for firing me. When I was working for him I made an army of droids that could project real visions in the air and they looked very realistic, but since Tony Stark hated the idea he fired me but, I still had my old drones back at my old house which was abandoned. I used two droids every single day of my life to act like Mysterio and to act like I have powers when I don't, I kind of felt bad for Peter since he really trusted me with everything. 

One day when all the SHIELDS agents were at the Avengers Base, I texted my old friend Will who was also fired from working with Tony Stark. He did all the programming for these creatures that could appear out of the drones. The drones could shoot out fire and bullets and they turned invisible when I needed them to, I walked out onto the roof of the Avengers Base and I had just finished my call with Will. I was about to stand on an invisible drone so I could 'fly' to my old house when a web shot out a pulled my phone out of my hand. I spun around and Peter caught my phone and ripped the web off it.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"I'm uh going to meet up with an old friend," I lied.

He eyed me suspiciously and then shrugged and sighed.

"I guess I'll see you later then," 

"Yep, don't get sucked into one of Stark's experiments!" I called back and he rolled his eyes.

"I'd rather jump off a cliff then work with him in a lab again," he said.

I gave him a fake smiled and stepped onto the invisible drone and it looked like I was flying. I flew away to my old house and when I arrived I went inside. My old wooden house was covered in cobwebs, the windows were covered with so much grime that only a little bit of sun could shine through them. I walked through the house calling out Will's name until he finally replied, I smiled at him and I looked at the hologram he had transferred to a new computer. With the drones, they could make a massive stormy monster that could make the clouds turn grey and breathe fire. 

"It's perfect," I said clapping Will on the back, "But can you make sure that I'm added into the illusion? I want to be fighting the monster and then eventually win,"

"Yep it'll take a few minutes though," he replied as he typed furiously on his keyboard.

I looked around at the room and I knew that the illusion was going to be a lot bigger since I was planning to let the illusion take place on the Tower Bridge in London so I could lead the Avengers away and then some drones will fly in and take them all out and I'll be the only hero left and the whole world will worship me.

"Okay done," said Will.

We went into the massive space of my old house and he projected it in the room, the monster was massive and it showed me flying around it and hitting it with green lasers and stuff like that. 

"How long does it go for?" I asked.

"About 40 to 45 minutes, so enough time to get the news to record it," replied Will.

"I'll text you when we need to go to London okay?"

He nodded and I thanked him and quickly left the building, I 'flew' back to the Avenger's Base and went into the living room where some of the Avengers and some SHIELD agents were sitting and discussing plans. I looked around but I couldn't see Peter anywhere and I frowned.

"Hey Beck, where were you?" asked Dimitri.

"Something came up with an old friend," I lied, "Do you know where Peter is?"

"No, he rushed off saying he had somewhere important to get to, it's probably just some friendly neighbourhood stuff," he replied.

I nodded but in my head I was confused. Peter hadn't gone out as the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man in ages and mainly just did SHIELD work. I frowned and looked for my phone to try and call him but I couldn't find it anywhere, I borrowed someones phone and called him.

"Hello?" came his voice.

"Hey Peter, where are you?" I asked.

He paused and I frowned again.

"I uh had some stuff to do, I'll be back, uh, later," he replied.

"Where are you? I can help if you want," I offered.

"I gotta go sorry, I'll see you later!" 

He hung up and I frowned at the phone and placed it back on the bench. What was going on? Usually, Peter always involved me in all his missions and stuff like that but now he was kind of avoiding me. Stark, I blame Tony for this, Tony has managed to brainwash him again and Tony is trying to turn him against me.

The next day when we were at the Avenger's Base Peter still hadn't shown up and he wasn't answering any of my calls from any phone and I was starting to get a bit suspicious. I brushed it off and continued to look for my phone around the Avengers Base and I was asking people about it but they didn't know where it was. I silently cursed myself for losing my phone since I had to text Will tomorrow and tell him to meet me at the airport so we could go to London and do the attack. 

I borrowed Fury's phone and called Will and asked him to track my phone, it was silent for a few seconds as I heard him type something into his computer.

"Uh your phone is in London," he replied.

"What! Are you sure the tracker is working?" I demanded.

"Yep, I have the phone camera up and your phone is at an apartment address and I can hear a girls voice and a boys voice," 

"Can you play the voices into my phone?" 

It was silent for a second and then I heard a girls voice ring out from the room.

"I thought you two were friends? And I thought he worked for SHIELD and that he was a hero," said the girl.

"That's what I thought until I read the messages and he's planning to release an illusion in London somewhere and cause havoc and I have to stop him, he's been using illusion this whole time," said the boy's voice.

It was so familiar and so clear and my heart was thumping wildly in my chest. I remembered how he stole my phone on the roof and I didn't get it back.

"Will, meet me at the airport right now, we need to go to London right now, bring the computer and all the drones," I commanded.

"Why? Who are those people and how do they know about the illusions?" asked Will.

"Peter Parker," I hissed back.

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