Chapter 59

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Tony's POV

2 weeks later

We were back at the Avengers Base and things have never been more stressful when your child is a superhero and in college student, things can get pretty crazy.

"Tony I'm fine, why can't I go on patrol!" Peter argued.

"You're still injured! The doctors said you have to wait 6 weeks until you can do any sort of physical activity!" I replied.

"But I have enhanced healing! Plus, the doctor said that the bleeding is internal, that's where all the blood is supposed to be!" 

I shook my head and rubbed my eyes.

"You're giving me grey hairs kid," I sighed.

"I have shit to do!" he said.

"That's mommy's word," said Morgan.

I head shot up and Morgan had entered the room without us noticing, she ran over to Peter and he picked her up.

"Did she let you borrow them?" she asked sweetly.

"No, they just slipped out and if you ever repeat what I just said I will take all your toys away," he teased and tickled her a little bit.

She giggled and squirmed in his arms, I took Morgan out of Peter's arms.

"You shouldn't be lifting anything heavier than a computer," I warned him.

He rolled his eyes and Harley poked his head around the door.

"Are you guys done? I want to watch TV," he said.

"Yep!" Peter replied quickly.

Harley flopped onto the couch and turned on the TV.

"I'm inviting company over, I'm getting bored of your voices," Peter grumbled.

"No leaving the building!" I called at his retreating back.

I sighed and brought Morgan down into my lab with me, she asked dozens of questions about my tools and I was happy to tell her as she seemed interested in the subject.

"Sir, I am alerting you that Michelle Jones and Edwards Leeds have entered the building," FRIDAY stated.

"Okay FRI, keep an eye on Peter and warn me if he's in any pain," I replied.

I continued working and after an hour I heard footsteps and Peter was giving them a tour.

"There's an old man in this room so you might not want to disturb him," he said to his friends.

"I heard that!" I shouted.

"You were supposed to!" he called back.

I chuckled and shook my head as I returned to my work. Around 8:30 pm I left my lab, Morgan, Olivia, Pepper and Harley were sitting on the couch watching a Disney movie.

"Do you want to join us?" Pepper asked.

"I will later but I have to do something first," I replied signalling to her.

She nodded and I went down the hallway, I heard laughter erupting from Peter's room and I couldn't help but smile. I knocked on the door and opened it. Ned and MJ were laughing there heads off and Peter was smiling widely.

"Sorry to break this up but Peter needs to rest," I announced.

Peter groaned but MJ and Ned stood up and grabbed their stuff, Peter walked them down to the front door and Ned's mum was there to pick him up and Happy was supposed to be here to take MJ home but I guess he wasn't back from his break yet. 

I talked to Ned's mum a bit but when they left I saw Peter and MJ standing together and they were kissing, I frowned but then smiled. I was happy for Peter since I knew he was extremely upset after his last girlfriend passed away. Happy's car pulled up and I walked over to him.

"I needed to get gas," Happy said when he rolled down the window.

"Don't be late next time," I said, "Lovebirds, Happy's here!"

They broke apart and MJ was blushing and Peter seemed embarrassed, they walked over to the car and before MJ got in she kissed him on the cheek.

"I'll see you tomorrow," she said.

"Yep, cya," he replied.

The car drove off and I placed an arm around Peter's shoulders.

"So that MJ girl," I began.

"You've already met her dad you don't need to have a conversation with her," he said, "I've known her for ages and she's known about me being Spider-Man ever since I told Ned and she has no other friends so she can't tell anyone,"

"You know me too well, c 'mon we gotta go to therapy," I said steering him towards a training room.

He groaned and I made him do simple exercises for his ribs and they seemed okay.

"Okay, so I want you to do a few flips that involve your hands," I told him.

He went onto the large squishy, springy mat and ran forward, he did a few cartwheels, front and back handsprings but his wrist gave out on one of them and he landed on his back.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yep," he replied pushing himself to his feet.

"Okay so your wrist obviously isn't healed yet so we'll move onto your ankle," I said.

"My hand just slipped it wasn't because of any pain," he argued.

"Well your hand has never slipped before so I'm not buying it,"

He groaned but went to the corner of the springboard.

"Nothing too crazy okay?" 

He gave me a thumbs up and he ran forward and did a series of back layouts and flips but when he landed his leg gave out and he fell back. He groaned and pushed himself to his feet and walked over to me.

"Look, Pete, I know you hate being cooped up doing nothing but if I let you go out then you'll be in a worse state," I sighed.

"I know," he sighed.

"C 'mon, Morgan wants us to go watch a movie with her," I said.

"If it's frozen then I'll pass," he said.

"If I have to watch it then so do you," 

I placed an arm around his shoulders and he tried to get free but I slung him over my shoulder and he groaned.

"That's not fair," he complained.

"That's what happens when you have a fast metabolism," I grinned.

"I could eat everything at a buffet and you'd still be able to pick me up,"

I carried him up the stairs and finally put him down, we went into the living room and sure enough, Frozen was playing on the TV. We sat down and Peter placed his feet on the coffee table like Harley and I couldn't help but smile, they might not be related by blood but they do a lot of similar things. 

Towards the end of the movie, Peter fell asleep with Morgan curled up into his side and Olivia was sleeping on Pepper's lap. I smiled at Peter's peaceful face, I could've lost him but somehow my amazing, crazy, wonderful son was still alive and that's all I needed to know to make me complete...

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