Chapter 50

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Peter's POV

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out, what was I supposed to say?

Yeah ever since we came back from being kidnapped I blamed myself a lot and I didn't want to bother you or Pepper with my problems so I decided to deal with them by making a bottle of sleeping pills that would work with my fast metabolism. Then, my girlfriend died by a heart disease she never told me about and I'm not taking it well.

I couldn't say those words out loud, because then I'd be admitting to myself that I did have serious problems that I wasn't handling.

"I know what's going on Peter, but I want to hear it from you," Tony said, "And I want you to start from the start and don't leave ANYTHING out,"

I paused and swallowed, I felt bad for dumping all my problems on Tony after he's been so worried about Harley and Morgan.

"After seeing Harley and Morgan so traumatized from the kidnapping, I felt like it was all my fault, you guys had so much to worry about and I knew that Harley and Morgan needed to be comforted and safe more than I did. So, I acted like I was fine but I came up with a formula for sleeping pills and Bruce helped me with them, I told him it was just for sensory overload though and he believed it. After that Clint taught me how to drive, I helped Rhodey fix an old car which he gave to me and I did fighting lessons with Cap and Nat while helping Bruce with his work. Everything was fine until a few weeks ago," I explained.

"So when you told me you were stressed because of exams, was that the truth?" Tony asked.

"Kind of, I was stressed because of exams at first but then Hallie died that week," I admitted.

Tony sighed and took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes, when he looked back up at me I was shocked to see tears in his eyes.

"Peter, I love you Harley and Morgan more than anything, I love you all equally and I hate it when you hide things from me. I want to be a good father to you but I don't know how to do it if you don't talk to me about these things," 

"I know, I'm sorry but I guess you won't have to worry about that for much longer" I replied.

"What do you mean?" 

I pulled out the letter from Stanford University and flicked it across the table, Tony's eyes widened as he read it and he looked up at me.

"This is great Peter, I'm so proud of you," he said.

"I won't be able to see you guys very often since it's in California but I can still call you guys every so often," I replied shrugging.

We talked everything over and I felt a weight being lifted off my chest. After a long phone call with the principle of Stanford University, it was decided what classes I would take and I would go there on the weekend to start. 

At dinner that night everything finally felt normal, we were all laughing and joking around and after Harley and I finished doing the dishes we went into the living room and that's when Pepper said she had to announce something. 

"We've been hiding this secret for a while but I'm pregnant!" she announced.

Morgan happily jumped up and down and Harley sat there awkwardly not knowing what to do but I congratulated them and I had been so wrapped up in Hallie's death that I didn't notice the bump. 

"She's expected to come in 2 months so that'll be around February," Tony added.

"It's a girl!" Morgan exclaimed.

"Yeah, you're going to be a big sister Morg," Tony said picking her up, "You already have to brothers so we need another girl to balance things out,"

"Please don't go to college Peter, I can't be left alone with these people," Harley groaned.

"Well then you better hurry up and graduate," I teased.

  He rolled his eyes and I grinned, Morgan was asking Pepper and Tony questions about Harley and I and how she never knew us when she was little. I sighed, Morgan was too young to know that Harley and I weren't her biological brothers. Her only blood-related sibling would be the newborn baby, I knew that someone would have to explain it to her one day but I hope she didn't treat me any differently when she finds out.

We pulled up to the massive campus and people were walking around outside, I got out of the car and grabbed my suitcase and duffel bag from the back.

"Remember, no Spider-Manning until all your homework is done, your studies always come first and make sure you're not caught leaving. I'll call you once a week and FRIDAY will alert me if you're on the news," Tony said.

"I know, just relax, I'm going to be fine, plus, you have a new baby on the way you don't need to worry about me, Ned will be coming next year when he finishes school so I'll have someone to watch my back," I said, "Now get back in the car before someone sees you,"

"I love you kid," Tony said pulling me into a hug.

I hugged him back and I pulled away from him when my phone buzzed in my pocket. 

Turn around nerd

I spun around and MJ was standing there, I grinned and said my final goodbye's to Tony, he got in the car and I dragged my suitcase and duffel bag over to where MJ was standing. I hugged her and she hugged me back. Ever since Hallie's death, we've gotten a lot closer, I was glad she was here but also confused, I thought she was finishing school this year and then coming here.

We walked into the building and I heard a car honk, I spun around and Tony was waving, I waved back and then entered the massive building leaving him behind...

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