Chapter 49

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Peter's POV

Death was like an old friend, coming and leaving almost every year and taking away the people that meant the most to me. I swing around New York fighting crime every day of my life but death is nowhere near me, it's just around everyone I love, death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live. 

I looked around my destroyed room, it's been two weeks since I received the call, I managed to pass my exams with extremely high marks but I didn't feel like celebrating. Hallie's funeral was a few days ago and I've been thinking about her a lot, it seemed so unbelievable that she was gone but I've accepted it. My bag with my suit that I wore to the funeral was still on the floor, I went with Ned and MJ to the funeral since I didn't want to bother Tony or Pepper about Hallie's death. 

"Pepper requested you in the living room," FRIDAY announced.

I sighed and looked in one of my broken mirror shards to see if my eyes were red. They weren't puffy but they were a bit red from my tears, I closed my bedroom door behind me and went out into the living room. Tony was in the kitchen making Morgan's lunch for school while Pepper was rushing around getting ready for a meeting. Harley and Morgan were both in their rooms getting ready for school.

"Hey, can you make sure Harley and Morgan get to school safely?" Pepper asked.

 "Yeah, sure thing," I replied.

"Thank you, okay, bye Hunny bye Pete," she called as she slammed the door behind her. 

There was silence after that and there was a bit of tension between Tony and I, I went back into the hallway and knocked on Harley's door.

"C' mon you're going to be late for school!" I shouted.

"You don't need to remind me!" Harley snapped back.

I rolled my eyes and went into my room, I managed to find my car keys on my messy floor and I rushed back out and nearly collided with Morgan who ran out of her room.

"I'm ready!" she announced.

"Harley let's go!" I shouted.

Harley came out with his hair sticking up and his clothes were crumpled. He stuck the finger up at me and I just ignored him, Harley and Morgan said goodbye to Tony and we ran downstairs.

"Peter where are you going?" Harley asked standing by the front door.

"The garage," I replied.

They followed me there and I got into my car.

"You can drive?" Harley asked astonished, "Since when?"

"Clint taught me," I replied shortly.

As I drove Harley was complaining about how I finished school early and about his teachers and homework and I just focused on the road and trying not to think about Hallie as I drove down the streets we used to walk down together. When I pulled up to the school I remembered when I first met Hallie and how I crashed into her as I ran down the stairs.

"Bye Peter!" Morgan chirped.

"Don't embarrass me when you pick me up or I will kill you," was all Harley said.

 "Bye Morgan," I said as I ignored Harley's comment.

I stayed in the parking lot for a few minutes and I was about to leave when there was a tap on my window, I looked up and saw the principle smiling at me. I pressed the button for my window to slid down and gave the principle a smile.

"How have the holidays been so far?" he asked.

"Yeah pretty good," I lied.

"Do you have time to come with me? I want to give you an offer for something," he said.

"Yeah sure,"

I got out of the car and followed him into the school building and into his office, he started talking about my marks for my exam and that they were extraordinary and I was only half listening until he got to the main part.

"Stanford University has offered you a fully paid scholarship," the principle announced holding out a letter to me.

"I- wait, really?" I asked taking the letter.

I opened it and as I read through it my heart soared and a genuine smile spread across my face. 

"So, if you say yes to this scholarship then there will be no need to come back here next year, so come back tomorrow and I'll give you your diploma and that's that," he explained.

"I-yeah, okay, I'll see you tomorrow," I said standing up and shaking his hand, "Thank you, sir,"

"No problem Mr Parker," 

I got into the car and re-read over the letter, I drove back to the Avengers Base and parked my car. Who would I tell? Pepper and Tony are probably busy doing work and I didn't want to bother them right now. I grabbed the letter and I walked out of the garage, I was walking around the Avengers Base when someone called out my name. I spun around and Cap and Nat were walking towards me.

"You up for a training session right now?" Cap asked.

"I would but I have some stuff to sort out," I said folding the letter up.

"What's that?" Nat asked.

"It's nothing," I lied.

She snatched it out of my hand and I tried to grab it back from her but she held me back, Cap read it as well and their eyes both widened.

"Peter! How could you say that this is nothing! It's amazing!" Nat exclaimed.

I groaned as Nat ran off to tell everyone else and Cap pulled me along after her. After a few hours of celebrating I was feeling a lot better, Bruce was the only one that knew about Hallie's death and he respected my wish and hasn't told anyone about it. It felt good to smile and enjoy myself after Hallie's death.

It was around 9:00 pm and Clint and I just got back from racing and like always we both won. I said goodnight to everyone and I was walking towards the other side of the Avenger's base when Tony appeared from his office.

"Peter, can I talk to you?" he asked.

"Yeah," I replied.

My heart was beating so fast, what have I done wrong? Has he noticed that I've kind of been ignoring everyone?

I went into his office and I sat down opposite of him at his desk and my heart stopped when Tony placed down the bottle of sleeping pills that I made and Hallie's funeral booklet...

I am so so sorry for not posting for a few weeks, ever since school started I've been focusing more on that and then writer's block decided to show up and I didn't know what to write. But hopefully, I'll be able to post daily again. Sorry.


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