Chapter ~ 10

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Peter's POV

I opened my eyes and I realised I was trapped underneath a mountain of hot metal, it was hard to breathe and the metal seared my back as I stood up pushing all the hot metal off me. I collapsed onto the sand with my ears ringing so much, everything seemed blurry. My spider senses went off and I looked into the smoke and I saw Vulture flying towards me but I didn't have any time to react.

Vulture's sharp claws pierced my arm as he picked me up briefly and then dropped me, onto the sand, I gasped for breath and I stumbled back up to my feet, Vultures metal wings clanked and groaned as they straightened out again.

"Parker," he hissed.

He flew towards me again and I rolled underneath him and stood back up, he was still in the air and I shot a web but I missed and he flew forward and one of his claws pushed me onto the sand hard and his claws dug into my chest and I yelled out in pain and I just wanted it to end. He punched me in the face three times and everything was dizzy and the ringing was still in my ears. He rose up, lifting me up with him and I pulled his claws out of my chest, I fell towards the ground and I quickly shot my web onto his wing and pulled myself up, I kicked him in the face on the way up and as I fell towards the ground I grabbed onto his foot and we spun around two times fast and I was thrown off and I landed on the sand and it knocked the wind out of me. I felt his two sharp claws dig into both my shoulder blades and he lifted me up and shoved me to the ground multiple times. My eyes were closed and I was on the verge of unconsciousness, I felt him lift me up by my neck and then he dropped me back on the sand. I heard him fly off and then land, he started flying again and I managed to open my eyes and look up.

"Your wingsuits about to explode!" I shouted.

He didn't hear me, I managed to shoot out a web and grab onto his foot and he turned around and cut it with his sharp wing.

"Time to go home Pete," he said.

"I'm trying to save you!" I cried.

The pain was just too much but I couldn't let the vulture die. He cut the strings again and flew off, I tried to shoot some more web but I was completely out. I watched as he flew up into the sky with his wingsuit crackling with electricity.

"No!" I screamed.

I ducked and put my hands over my head as the wingsuit exploded, I looked back up and saw him land and shock filled me.

"No," I said, "No!"

I gritted my teeth as I stood up and I sprinted towards him, I ran through the flames and looked for him, I saw his wing and he was underneath a massive piece of metal. I ran over throwing myself down beside the metal that was on top of him. I grabbed it was it was searing hot, I withdrew my hand and yelled out in pain, I balled my hand into a fist to stop the pain but I knew I couldn't be slow, I grabbed the hot metal and pulled it off him gritting my teeth to stop myself from yelling out in pain. I came out carrying him and I laid him down on a patch of sand that wasn't covered in fire and I laid down beside the Vulture coughing a deep throaty cough, panting. I managed to stumble to my feet and I held my shoulder which was so sore and I looked down at the Vulture who was still alive, I coughed again gasping for breath and I looked down at the wreck, I heard Happy's voice and I wrapped the Vulture up in webs and sprinted as fast as I could away from the beach, people in cars were looking at me as I was covered in blood and I knew I was going to pass out but I had to get to the apartment. 

I looked around and saw that I was near Hallie's apartment, I stumbled to the nearest phone and dialled in her number holding onto the handle to make sure I wouldn't pass out.

"Hello?" came her voice.

It was far too loud for my liking and I held the phone away from my ear in shock but I quickly brought it back up because I needed to speak.

"Hallie, it's me, Peter," I mumbled.

"Peter! Are you okay? Is everything okay?" she demanded.

"Are you home?" I asked ignoring her questions.

"Yeah, I arrived back after you hung up because the teacher caught us and sent us home," she explained.

"'M hurt can I come to y-yours," I slurred.

"Yeah, of course, I'll see you in a few minutes you just need to make it here," she replied.

"Bye," I said.

I put the phone back on the booth wall and stumbled out of it, luckily there weren't that many cars so my identity would still be hidden. As long as Adrian didn't spill my name in prison then I should be fine, I didn't leave a note for Happy or anything but all the boxes were webbed together and Adrian was webbed to them as well so he'd probably explain everything.

 I reached Hallie's apartment and I climbed up the wall, my body screaming at me and all my cuts and burns screamed in protest. I made it to Hallie's window and I tapped against it, she flung it open immediately and I climbed in and almost collapsed onto the floor.

"Oh my gosh, Peter!" she shouted.

I winced at the loud sound and she realised and lowered her voice down since she didn't want me to go into sensory overload. She made me lay down on the ground while she got medical supplies. My eyelids were closing but I knew I had to keep them open, I pressed the spider in the middle of my chest on my suit and it loosened. Hallie came back in and lightly ran a hand through my hair, I was so tired, I grabbed her hand and she gave a reassuring squeeze before I closed my eyes.

Hey Guys.

Sorry, this chapter was a bit weird, I copied the fight scene from one of my other stories that is discontinued because I couldn't be bothered to rewrite it. Anyway, I hope you are enjoying this story and I'll give shoutouts in my next chapter if I can remember. 

Every Falling StarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora