Chapter ~ 29

655 17 7


Peter's POV

"So weak! So pathetic," he spat. 

His voice echoed around the place as I backed away from the falling ceiling, I tripped and fell backwards, my stomach swopped and I landed on the hard ground. Fear was coursing through me and I jumped back to my feet, Mysterio was standing behind me and I went to punch him but my hand came to contact with a pole. 

"Peter! Help me!" I heard Hallie shout.

I ran through the nearest door and to my right, Hallie was standing there.

"I know this isn't true!" I shouted.

"Are you sure about that?" Mysterio's voice rang out.

He appeared behind Hallie and grabbed her by her throat and lifted her off the ground, she was desperately gasping for air. He dropped her over the edge and I dove after her.

"Hallie!" I shouted.

I landed on something hard and I bounced off it and landed on the hard ground, when I looked up there were four graves lined up. May Reilly Parker, Benjamin Franklin Parker, Richard Parker, Mary Parker.

"Maybe your family would still be alive," he added.

Suddenly a hand shot out of all there graves and then their zombie bodies rose out of the group clawing there way towards me. I yelled and backed away from them in fright, suddenly I heard a gunshot ring out and all the illusions disappeared. I looked around and Beck was lying dead on the ground with a bullet wound in his chest, he was wearing some sort of CGI looking suit. Fury walked towards me menacingly and I backed away.

"Who else did you send those screenshots to!" he demanded.

"I uh, my friend Hallie!" I blurted out.

He stopped walking towards me and started laughing, confusion filled me and suddenly he disappeared and Beck appeared in front of me. The world faded and everything was black again, the roof started to cave in and I backflipped away and dodged all the falling pieces and nearly tripping over multiple times as I stumbled back.

"You really are super gullible Peter, and now I'll have to kill her," said Beck.

He threw something at me and I flipped backwards, he stopped walking forward and I stood there trying to get rid of the illusions.

"For what it's worth Peter, I really am sorry," he said.

All the illusions disappeared and suddenly a loud blaring train horn rang out and when I looked to my right it was already too late to move. The train slammed into me and kept on driving, my head spun like crazy and I screamed in pain, my whole right side was in so much pain. I managed to stick to the train and crawl around to the side, I felt like throwing up from the pain and my whole right side of my body felt numb with pain. I opened the door to a dark and empty compartment, I limped in and collapsed onto a seat pulling my mask off so I could breathe properly. I held my ribs in pain and coughed a few times which made a sharp jolt of pain run through the right side of my body. I relaxed against the seats and black spots started to appear in my vision and my eyes closed...

I jolted awake from my sleep and groaned as my right leg and ribs a guy was speaking on the loudspeaker and I forced myself to listen to what he was saying.

"Last stop at Broek Op Langedijk," the person said.

I sat up and scrambled for my mask, I put it on and limped to the door ignoring my body as it screamed in pain.

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