Chapter 32

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 A/N: The story Jon Kent tells his son, of course, is made up by me.

"Clark Kent. Kal-El. Superman. I don't give a damn who is really saying this. I don't care if you all three are in agreement. I will be damned if I lose you in any way, shape, or form that doesn't require death do us part. You are my husband. You are my love. You are the father of my children. You are my life! Do you hear!" Celeste yelled as Clark looked at her.

"And you and the babies and my parents are my life as well! And for most of my life, I thought I was damned to be alone forever!" He spoke passionately as he stood up, still facing her. "Never to truly love someone I can trust. Someone who could love me whole and keep my secret. And for the longest time, my parents were the only ones. It couldn't work out with Lana. It didn't work out with Lois. Then came you." He said as he sat back down to caress her face. 

"The love of my entire existence. And before we could ever say I do, you have been almost taken away from me twice." He said, getting back up. "Almost killed both times! I don't know what I would do if anything happened to any of my family. Especially you." He said as she got up and stood to face him. "I'm not wishing that ever on you. But your biological parents are no longer living and I don't see you yelling this bull to them!" Celeste told Clark.

"I didn't grow up with them! I wasn't raised by them!" Clark screamed. "You didn't grow up with me! You weren't raised with me!" Celeste replied. "Courtney, I will always respect my biological parents and love them for being able to let me go to live with my adopted parents. But the love I feel for you, CJ, Caey, and Ma and Pa is an entirely different and special love. And forgive me for saying how I truly feel but I would kill for you all if it came down to it!" He boomed through the house. 

"Clark," Jonathan spoke softly from the doorway as Clark and Celeste angrily looked at each other. Clark broke his stare away from his wife to the doorway, where he saw his parents both holding his children as they stared at him. Clark chewed on his left inner jaw a bit before he licked his lips. "I need to get some air." He said leaving the room with Jonathan close behind. They went downstairs as he was about to open his shirt. when Jonathan called behind him. "Son." He simply said. "What really has you this angry?" He asked Clark in a peaceful tone. 

Clark turned around with his opened shirt exposing the S on his superman suit. Feeling frustrated he ran a hand through his hair before watching CJ peacefully sleeping in his dad's arms. He sat down and sighed as he spoke. "Dad, the danger will never go away. And how Lois told Zod and Doomsday about you and Mom was so easy. And they kidnapped you and held you hostage. And Doomsday sensed something about Celeste. Then they found out about the kids. Dad, now I have more family and people in my life to love, it's scary."

Jonathan sighed also as he snuggled his grandson. "Clark, son, the scariest thing in the world is being a husband and father. To have lives depend on you for basically all the important things. Health, a place to live, food to eat, mental nourishment as well. Bonding, daily necessities, and love. When I first met your mother I was nursing a broken heart. This super gorgeous little thing named, Deliah. Deliah Menville. She was what every man around town wanted and no one could get." 

"Deliah?" Clark snorted. "She sounds like trouble. Did mom know?" Jonathan chuckled. "She was trouble. And I knew her before I met your mom. She played around with my heart. She apparently was trying to make rich, a young guy interested in her. And it worked." Jonathan said as he handed CJ to Clark. "And?" Clark urged his dad to go on with the story. "I was at the feed and seed shop buying something to take my mind off the pain I was feeling. You know pick up a hobby or task or something." Jonathan smiled at the memory when your ma walked up behind me and said, 'Pick the squash and sunflowers. Those are good to grow and keep you occupied.' I turned to face her and asked her what did she know about it. She told me, 'A lot more than you know, Jon Kent.'" He said sitting back while he watched his son with his grandson. 

"We worked on the squash and the sunflowers together And bonded over it. We grew closer and fell in love and then got married. I was scared at first. A had a new wife living with me on my family farm. And that meant a new life that was apart of mine, that I had to care of, protect and love. But she made me happy and she made this farm a better place." Jonathan said, concluding the story.

He paused to lean in and place a hand on Clark's shoulder. "And most important. I wasn't lonely. The bonus is that we loved and still love each other. We tried to have children but for some reason or another just couldn't. Then you came into our lives." He told Clark.

Clark smiled as he looked from his dad to his son. "And your mother and I didn't know what to do but we knew you needed us, we wanted you, and we all loved each other. I guess what I am trying to say son is as long as the important things make your life better, the rest will work itself out. Life may be hard and sometimes unfair, but it's also wonderful if you actually get a chance to enjoy something or someone out of it."Jonathan told Clark Sr.

 He sat there deep in thought as he watched CJ sleeping. "I wouldn't trade you as my son for anything in the world. And I wouldn't trade that wonderful daughter-in-law upstairs, nor these terrific grandbabies of mine. And I have a feeling you feel the same. Clark, if we didn't have you here as our family, you wouldn't have your own family right now." Jonathan said.

"Dad, all of those bad people out there," Clark said as Jonathan cut him off. "I know that, Clark. But does that mean I can't have a wife and son I love, who love me because of stupid people and evil super beings? Hell, no. And you shouldn't feel that way. So, I want you to go back up to your wife and talk this out before she takes your advice and walks away." Clark smiled as Jonathan took a still sleeping CJ from his arms to put his bed. "Will do dad." He told his father before yawning deep and shutting his eyes slowly.

Clark sat there some as he tried to think of the right things to say to Celeste as he closed his eyes. What he thought was just for a second felt longer. He finally opened his eyes to see himself sitting on their couch in their apartment in Metropolis. "What in the hell?" He said as he got up and looked around before he went into each room. "Celeste? Celeste?" He called out, getting no response. "Courtney! Where are you?" He said as he was about to pass by a mirror as he took a look into it. " What! Where in the hell am I?" He said to himself while feeling his face as he looked in the mirror.

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