Chapter 40

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(Middle of the night)

"Help. Help me. Help. Help me." CJ heard in his head as he tossed and turned in his sleep. "Please help me. My home has been destroyed and I am the only one left." He heard as he tossed and turned once more and began to mumble. "Who are you? Who are you? Mom! Dad!" He yelled as he sat up and looked around to see he was in the bedroom he shared with his twin sister on their family farm. He hopped out of bed, ran out of the room and straight to his parents' bedroom.

He knocked on the door before he opened it and walked in. "Mama. Daddy." He whispered as he stepped up to their bed. CJ shook his mom before he turned the lamp next to her. "Mama." He shook her again as she woke up.

"Yes, CJ." Celeste yawned as Clark sat up. "I had the dream again. But this time it was louder. They said that they need help and their home was destroyed." The young boy said with fear. "What? What home?" Clark asked his son. CJ just shrugged his shoulders as he spoke. "I dunno, dad. But it felt real. And earlier Caey was telling me that she was afraid to go to sleep because she had her dream again."

"Dreams are what you make it, CJ," Clark said. "If you're having a bad dream then you turn that bad dream into a good dream," Clark said as Celeste smiled at her son, hoping his father eased his fears. "Okay, daddy. But Caey thinks that they will come true." "I don't think they will, CJ," Celeste said as Caelyn suddenly screamed.

"Caelyn!" The three of them yelled as they quickly left the room and headed for the kids' room. Martha and Jonathan heard the screams also as they all ran to the bedroom door to see that Caelyn was being sucked, feet first, into a digital vortex. "Clark!" Celeste yelled her husband's name as he quickly went towards it. 

"Daddy!" She screamed as she held onto the bed with all her might. " Daddy! Mommy! CJ! Help!" She yelled as Clark grabbed her hands and tried to pull her out. "Grandpa! Grandma!" Caelyn called out while she watched her brother hold his ears.

The screams for help from his sister were muffled out by the screams of help he heard in his dreams. "Daddy! Mama! Grandpa! Grandma!" He screamed. Suddenly, Celeste was crying as she couldn't decide which of her children to help.

"We'll help CJ," Jonathan said. "You help Clark with Caelyn." Celeste nodded as she went to Clark and held onto her daughter as well while Martha and Jonathan helped their grandson." "Mommy! Daddyyyyyyyy!" Caelyn screamed as the vortex shocked Clark and Celeste away."Caelyn!" Celeste and Clark screamed. The couple fell back against the bed as they helplessly watched their daughter disappear. Clark tried to fly into the vortex, but it quickly closed up and disappeared.

At the same moment, CJ's hands shot off his ears while he opened his mouth wide. A female voice distressingly called out just like in his dreams, but for all to hear. "Help. Help me. Help. Help me. My home has been destroyed and I am the only one left. I am the only one left of my planet and I need help. Please!"


A/N: Yes, the chapter was short and the story is over but as you can see the story has more to tell. Can you guess what the next one will be about? And yes, I will add fresh villains. So to answer your questions: Yes, Zod is dead and gone for good. Yes, Doomsday is dead and gone for good. And even though Lois is really dead and gone, she kind of will be back. Sort of. You'll have to wait to see what I mean. So I have decided to create my own Yes, I am finishing my other stories as well.

Thanks for reading!

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