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Christian was on a call when his friend barged in his office. Bella jumped two feet in the air from the sudden noise as she was so engrossed in writing down her tasks for the day. Christian was surprised to see his friend so worked up. Steve was always the calm and happy one as he on the other hand was impatient and dangerous.

"I can't believe she talked to me like that. I mean doesn't she watch news or read magazine to know who the fudge I am" Steve muttered to himself as he ran his hand in his hair, frustrated.

"Okay Anna I will call you later. Yes final the deal with them. Of course, yes do that" Christian cut off the call without even waiting for the poor girl's replay.

"So what happened man. What got you so worked up" Christian asked Steve while folding his hand on the table.

"Ugh. It's just that I was driving here in a hurry so I didn't see the motorcycle, and accidentally crashed into it. Thankfully no one was hurt. Firstly I thought it was a man so, even though I knew it was my fault I started yelling at him, but when he removed his helmet I realized it was a lady, a pissed of lady. She started yelling at me than out of nowhere she turned the matter to feminism. When I offered to pay for the damage, she thought I was buying her forgiveness and yelled some more. Than you won't believe what she did. She slapped me. She freaking slapped me and than ran of on her bike." Steve said all of this in one breath.

Suddenly Bella froze. She went stiff, if you couldn't see her chest rise and fall you would have thought she wasn't even breathing. Both men obviously noticed and turned toward her. Steve's face was confused but Lucifer was somewhat suspicious.

"E.. excuse me sir, I have to make a very important call" Bella said suddenly panicking. Lucifer raised his eyebrow. "Sorry Miss Bella but you are needed here" Christian said dismissing the topic but Bella wasn't up for it.

"But sir it's a life and death situation" Bella said with the use of her hands. Now both men were curious and amused.

"Yes." Christian was surprised that Bella talked back to him. So was Steve, but he didn't dare say anything.




"Oh for the love of God let me make this call you big oaf" Bella yelled and quickly put a hand on her mouth, eyes wide, realising what she had said. Silence. Pin drop silence.

Suddenly Steve roured in laughter, forgetting the anger he was feeling not just ten seconds ago and Christian's face was priceless. He was shocked, angry and amused.
Angry and shock because no one has ever talked to him like that. Ever. And amused because Bella actually had the courage to do that.

Bella ran out of the office and went to hers. She leaned against he door and put a hand on her heart. Oh god was has she done.
She had yelled at her boss. Not just any boss. The Boss. The King.
She was dead

No one would find her body.

She will be in thrown in the Mediterranean.

He would kill her than bring her back to like to kill her again.

Suddenly she remembered why she yelled at Lucifer. She quickly dialed Laura's number. After three rings she picked up.

"Hey bestie. How you doin'. Wait aren't you supposed to be at work?" Bella wasn't even given a chance to say something before Laura started rambling.

"Stop Laura. I am fine. And yes I am at work. But I wanted to ask you something" Bella said.

"Shoot" Laura replied. "Well the man you crashed into today. Was he handsome?" Bella questioned.

"As hell. But why do you wanna know? Don't tell me you wanna cheat on Christian Knight. Girl I don't want you dead. I can't pay the rent all by myself" Laura again started rambling.

" Lauraaaa. First of all me and Christian are not in a relationship, so I will not be cheating on him. And second did that man had blue eyes, light brown hair, had really good body, wearing a suit?" Bella once again questioned her.

"All of them. But what happened girl, why are you so interested?"

"Ugh. Laura think. Did that man look like someone...?" Bella yelled frustrated, trying hard that her takes the hint.

"Weellll he did have some Steven Armstrong ( I changed Steve's surname) vibes but of course it was not him. He was much rude" Laura said slight unsure.

"Oh Laura he didn't have any vibes he was Steven Armstrong. And how do you know that he is gentle in real life" Bella sighed and started rubbing her temples.

"Well I just thought that he wa- wait, hold on, WHAT?! He was Steven Armstrong? Like as in THE Steven Armstrong. As in my crush. As in your other boss?" Laura yelled at her friend.

"Yes Laura, as in all of those things" Bella sighed once again.

And the next hour went in Bella explaining today's events to her friend.

"Oh dear. You are done. It was good knowing you. I will make sure to put flowers on your grave every day." Laura said with fake sympathy in her voice.

"Not helping Laura" Bella said.

"Well you gotta deal with it yourself. A tip? Use your lady charms , you know the puppy dog face you do?.  Use his feelings against him... Ohhhh Bells I gotta go. The furniture is here and I have to help place them in their right places. K, see you soon.... Well that is if you are alive" with that being said Laura cut the call.

Bella didn't know what her friend meant by ' using his feelings against him' but she didn't give it much thought.

She had a possibly hot as lava, angry as hell boss on his heels after her, and she didn't know what to do.

Well time to deal with it. She can't possibly hide in her office forever.

So nervously she went toward his office and  it had to be the longest walk of her life. She knocked on the door. Without waiting for a replay she went inside. The scene she saw in front of her left her thunderstruck.

Christian was standing in the middle of his office kissing a girl. Well not just any girl, Katie William, the slut of the industry.







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