Ch-69 Just A Little Closer

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"You think you have experience with markets?!"

Claudia exclaimed as she got down from Bella, sauntering to the vegetable stall with Marcus lagging behind her, in the middle of nowhere.

More like, the free plains, close to the border between Wilhestia and Ceryscathia.

"What makes you think you do?" He countered, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't mean to offend you or anything..." She paused, scoffing. "No, of course I'm going to offend you but listen, I think I have plenty of experience with bargaining than you."

"Bargaining, as in revealing yourself so that you could get what you want without paying?"

Claudia grinned and patted his shoulder. "Exactly."

Rolling his eyes, Marcus pulled out his coin pouch, tossing it to Claudia as they neared the stall where an old and feeble man, who wasn't supposed to be working at his age, selling fruits and vegetables.

One thing Claudia and Marcus noticed was that they were all fresh, a rarity considering that it got colder as they moved forward to Ceryscathia.

"Good day, sir." Claudia greeted politely with a smile.

"The same to you too, young miss, sir." He nodded feeling a bit at ease with the nice couple, knowing it's been a while since people greeted him the way they did.

"Can I get a sack of red apples and carrots?" Marcus asked.

"Of course." The old man waved limping slowly to go, back inside to a small rusted shed to find the large amounts of produce.

Claudia and Marcus shared a look, feeling pity for the old man who was living with conditions that were worse than the cave Claudia lived in, a week ago.

"Wait." The princess called, jogging up to the man, placing an arm on his shoulder to stop him. The man stared at the girl questionably.

"Just tell us where we can find it, we'll carry it by ourselves."

"I'll come with you, just in case you don't steal it. An old man can't be too safe." He grunted, walking slowly away, leaving Claudia dumbfounded and Marcus chuckling behind her.

"What?!" She shot him a glare.

"So much experience with markets." He muttered earning himself a smack on the head by the princess.

"Shut up."

"I can't."

Groaning, she turned back following the old man into the stead, Marcus, after a few moments decided to join them worried a little about Claudia causing a ruckus.

He admitted no matter how brave she was, the princess would always be a child at heart.

Claudia carefully stepped inside the dark shed, having to squint her eyes to adjust to the sudden darkness of the giant room.

"There. The apples. Over there, the carrots." The old man pointed dryly to two opposite directions and Claudia went to the right to where the apples were.

She yelled at Marcus to carry the carrots and with a little difficulty managed to show themselves out of the shed without getting any injuries from all the broken glass and nails.

Claudia thought of how the old man was too weak to even clean up the place but sold vegetables there anyways.

Coming back to where they were, she almost threw her sack at Marcus' face glaring at him to carry it to Bella and Phobos who were getting angsty with the lack of good food.

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