Ch-95 Laziness or Shyness

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"And then he just told me that he was the son of Obscuro!"

Carina exclaimed with exasperation, collapsing on the bed, her head in her hands, with a look of...regret?

Beside her sat Alicia with a sympathetic expression, Geraltine leaning against her bedpost looking at her daughter in a similar way.

Matteo and Korashia had also made their presence, as the former rested leisurely on the floor of all places, looking glum whilst the latter just stood beside him listening to Carina rant with an annoyed and bored expression.

Carina knew that she would probably get punished for telling it to anyone, though Aro had not clearly mentioned the words 'promise me' or of that sort, he still did admit the fact that she was the first person that he had told, what she did was truly and utterly horrible and not just because of telling others but also what happened right after he confessed.

"I can't believe it." Carina groaned.

"Believe what? The fact he is the son of a god or that he has a weapon that can kill you..." Korashia listed, sarcasm evident in her voice. "....or that you like him a little and now it's all over because you can't love a demon-

Matteo jabbed her in the stomach, cutting her off, in response she smacked his head harshly and Geraltine rolled her eyes.

"All of it!" Carina whined. "Except for the liking him part....I don't...know."

The others all shared a look that mixed with equal parts of tireness at Carina's rant, for over two hours they were trying to convince her to talk to Aro, or at least apologize to him.

"....and then I just...left him there..and ran..." She trailed off, feeling more stupid than ever, and wondered how lower she could've sank in terms of shame.

Aro may have been waiting for a response after he had said what he said, and all Carina did was shake her head, turn around and run away from him as if he was a contagious disease.

Carina didn't see him for the rest of the day for that matter, as in here it would be forever night, so in short, she ran away in the morning, spent her entire day in the library trying to distract herself from Aro by burying her head in many books as she could.

Well, as one may know by now, if Aro clouds Carina's mind, he is just stuck there like an earworm that wouldn't budge at all.

That night, it was Alicia who had brought her dinner to the library, she had a sad smile on her face as if understanding what had happened, Carina still didn't know what her powers were.

After guilt eating her up at every end, she couldn't hold it any longer and just had to burst out, it didn't take her long to find Alicia and Geraltine, the latter was hanging out with Matteo and Korashia, and she thought it would be rude to just leave them there like that and invited them along.

However, it turned out to be quite beneficial actually, with Matteo's sense of humour, Carina had laughed a bunch of times, with Korashia's bluntness....well, Carina was able to realize her mistake and be reminded of it constantly.

"Carina, dear..." Geraltine began placing a gentle hand on her cheek. "I know it must be hard for you but you just need to go there and apologize to won't take much...just two words."

"Yes, two words that will eat me up whole before I can even say 'I'." Carina grunted.

Was everyone like this or was it just her? Does everyone think that they would rather eat dung than apologize to someone, or was it just her?

"But you won't know until you try..." Alicia said, with raised eyebrows, encouraging her.

"I-I don't know..."

"Fine...don't apologize to him...just talk to him, just rant like you did to us...he will appreciate you just talking like that." She then tried the unforgotten art of negotiation.

"I...I need some time to thoughts." Carina stuttered, climbing out of her bed, looking lost as she went out of the room.

Geraltine sighed whilst Korashia scoffed.

Alicia also decided to take her leave. "Well then, I think I'll leave as well. It best if she just thinks and takes her time and need to rush things." She said closing the door behind her.

"Well, what are we doing here?" Matteo asked, cutting the tension in the air with a knife.

"Take her time to gather her thoughts...seriously....she is nothing like the smart Celine that I've met, the only thing that it holding me from slapping some sense into her is because Caius may just go on a rampage in India and kill everyone there when he finds out."

"Alright..." Matteo whispered to himself, taking a note to remind everyone never to make Korashia angry again.

"Well...she is wasting much time..." Geraltine said begrudgingly, agreeing with the girl, if they didn't have a deadline for this, she would've been more sympathetic to her situation.

"What do you think is going on back in that we're gone?" Matteo asked.

This put on an even damper mood with them. "I don't know...the kings just...turn worse, I presume." Geraltine said.

"Sometimes..." Korashia whispered. "..I think of...him...I don't know...I hate him so much...but.."

"I'm sorry, Korashia." The older woman went up and hugged her, this time Korashia didn't pull away, she actually felt nice right now.

"Oh, don't be. I have a constant reminder of him everyday right now." She mumbled.

"Don't leave me out of here." Matteo whined like a child with a pout, Geraltine chuckled before opening her arms for him, still sitting, he wrapped his arms around their waists, Korashia hesitantly placed her hand on his shoulder while she rested her head on Geraltine's.

This was the closest the trio had ever been in their lives. All this time apart, they realized it brought them closer together, no one knew of each other's pasts, but still found a family in each other.

With a sigh, Korashia pulled away from them, she had something to take care of.

She went to open the doors when Matteo spoke out. "Where are you going?"

"To knock some sense into someone."

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