Ch-59 A Much Need Girl Time

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Claudia didn't care about the people who watched their every move with scrutinizing eyes, she just wanted to leave.

She felt so suffocated in that room, everything felt as if it was closing in on her, she never felt so helpless.

Her mother tried to hit her again, that was no surprise, though she wanted to believe that somewhere deep down her mother was still there, beneath all the thorns, a rose.

Of course there wouldn't be, Claudia didn't regret any of her words or insults, someone had to break it to her mother that she was nothing but a she devil who took pride in terrorizing her people.

What shocked her more was that Marcus had defended her back, she didn't understand that at all, why he would do something like that for someone he'd met just a few hours ago.

She didn't know what to make of the man, he was a mystery, he never raised his voice at her save for the time her mother acted like a witch.

Claudia's main aim was to chase him away but every minute she'd spent with him, was where she just never stopped smiling, she never found a reason to be moody when around him.

Then again, she was talking about a man who she'd met less than five hours prior.

She knew nothing about him, only that he was a king of one of the largest kingdoms and that they fought alongside her kingdom against Lokriveii, the demon kingdom and their king Acherus.

Right now, she was being dragged willingly to the green meadows, that was considerably far from the castle.

It was no problem to Claudia or Fenix as this was they had been secretly training for the past three years after Castella found out about the training room in the castle.

Claudia came here early in the morning with Moira, she wished that she could change time back to then, where she was just frustrated about not being to able to shoot an arrow the right way and not frustrated about an arranged marriage.

Right now, she needed to get her mind off of Marcus, Castella, the dining room and the date for the wedding.


"Fenix, I need my bow and arrow, my breaches...oh, my cloak too." She said breathlessly.

"I shouldn't be leaving you, Cla-

"Don't worry, I'll stay with her."

The two whipped their heads behind to see that it was Hela who spoke up, Claudia was too caught up to notice that she was following them but didn't understand how Fenix didn't see her.

"Hela." Claudia gave her a very small smile.

The black haired woman gave one in return before turning to look at Fenix, pointing at the castle.

"Go ahead, I said I can protect her."

With a weary glance, Fenix turned and ran back to the castle, it would take him a while to get there and back so Hela had plenty of time to talk to Claudia.

"So, this is where you fight?"

Claudia shrugged. "It isn't much but better safe than sorry."

"Your mother doesn't wish to see you fight?" The woman asked sitting down on a patch off patting her side, motioning Claudia to sit.

The princess scoffed as she sat down beside the Ceryscathian. "Well, what do you think?"

"I think she had a shitty childhood and now she wants her children to have one too."

Claudia laughed. "What I said was true, you know."

"What?" Hela asked curiously.

"That you're my favourite Ceryscathian." She smiled.

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