Ch-35 The Eye Of The Storm

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It was when no one had least expected it, Basim clenched his fists and the stone rubbles and debris on the ground contorted into huge beasts that could crush a vampire in mere seconds.

His initial plan had failed, now he had no choice but to move on to the second one.

One that included much more death and destruction.

Before Celine could figure out what had happened, beasts made of stone were charging for the Guard and her mates.

She glanced at Matteo and Geraltine and they both nodded. The two shields focused and created a physical barrier from the maybe five or six beasts.

The huge rock arms of the monsters began to hit the physical shield and Celine knew that it was now her time to intervene.

Huge vines erupted from the ground and shot up and wrapped around the arms of each and every beasts. They struggled fiercely against the vines and she looked at the Guard and they understood they had to destroy it because she couldn't hold for so long.

On seeing the vines, Aro, Marcus and Caius abruptly looked to where it came from and saw Celine with her vines trying to hold them back.

They blinked and looked at her again and sighed in relief when they realized it wasn't an illusion this time.

Aro then turned to Basim, Serafi and the witch who were being protected from the barrier. Marcus and Caius glanced at them before charging at the three main figures who could end all of this.

Jane and Alec found it quite easy to take down the members of the Indian coven with their powers. One by one started to drop down like flies as the twins unleashed their wrath on them.

Demetri, Felix, Santiago and Renata were focusing on the beasts that Celine was trying to hold back. Felix climbed up and latched on the neck of one of the monsters and used all his might to behead it.

Celine noticed his struggle and sent one of her vines to back him up. With the force of a vampire and the death grip of the vine, its head was ripped off from the neck and the monster fell on the ground smashing into fragments when colliding with the marble.

Matteo noticed the kings who were advancing on Basim, Serafi and the witch, they won't be able to penetrate the shield. He looked at Geraltine expectantly and she groaned.

"I'm only doing this for Cela." She muttered and focused her physical shield on the kings while Matteo worked on breaking the barrier that the witch had created.

The kings realized they were being protected by a shield and looked to the source to find their arch-nemesis Geraltine Burnwood physically shielding them from the attacks by the witch.

They faces held a look of surprise and the woman scoffed giving them a look that meant she was only doing this for Celine. They were still a bit stupefied at the fact she was helping them but focused back on their enemies.

Matteo managed to break the shield and before the witch could create a new one, Caius rammed into her, he looked around and saw Jane and she nodded before going to help the blonde king.

Now that Basim and Serafi were vulnerable, Aro, Marcus, Renata and Chelsea exchanged blows with them having to occasionally fight with all the objects and creatures that Basim was cultivating.

Meanwhile, Alec was fighting with a storm of their enemies with the help of Afton. Alec would use his powers and Afton would then dismember them.

Alec then saw the illusionist and his mate, Korashia using her power on some lower guard members and they all desperately started to hit the air in fear.

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