Ch-90 Celine....I See You

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Carina didn't know how she had managed to sleep that night.

It wasn't nightmares that haunted her, it was the most painful memories she had forced into the very back of her mind, locked it and threw the key away into oblivion.

But Aro had managed to make her relive every bit of it, he had made her feel the agony by just mere words, if it were his intentions to torture her before killing her, he was doing a splendid job at that.

She knew she may also have ruined the chances of gaining his trust and then kill him and avenge the death of Ranya and leave in peace.

Now, the trust part may have fell into shambles but she still had the chance to kill him, he had dug a deeper grave for himself the moment he reopened old wounds.

She was wondering if his meaning of comfort was to show people paintings of death and wars and have creepy conversations with them.

Carina was plotting his death in more ways than one while she was running back here and while she cried herself to sleep.

He made her cry, cry like she never had before, he tore apart everything she had built up to keep herself sane, words were a powerful thing and for a moment, just for a moment she thought of everything she had said to Erinae.

Her mind wandered back to Lumeris, she wondered how everyone would cope to her disappearance, would they even realize she had gone missing? There was a high chance they wouldn't care even if they knew about it.

Then what of Erinae?

What of the woman who tried to get into Carina's heart but failed, the woman who after so long, so much tantrums and insults hurled at herself didn't throw her away, the woman who she had always doubted the love for.

Carina knew that she was a burden to everyone in Lumeris, people talked about her behind her back, they always gave her miserable fake smiles to which she just ignored, they just tolerated her because she was the daughter of their former Princepine and the niece of their current one.

Carina made the decision not to go to Lumeris after she was done here, she wished to see the Mortal Lands and beyond, to the places she had only heard stories of.

But before all of that could happen, she had to take care of a certain Mad King residing in these walls.

Here she was, in the dark morning that still reminded her of the night, there was no change here, it still looked like yesterday, she wondered if the sun never shone here.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a polite knock on her door, sighing in annoyance with who had thought of trying to ruin her day, she slowly taking her precious time, got up from the bed.

The person on the other side was irritatingly patient, for a second Carina thought they were gone but the soft knock still echoed through her.

If this was Aro, she would murder him right then and there, and wouldn't care about her elaborate death plot.

Carina opened the door, what she saw turned her alarmed expression to complete confusion.

Standing infront of her was none other than Hyseria, she wasn't alone this time around though, Carina saw that there was a short woman beside her who in a way seemed childlike even though she looked be about Carina's age.

The short woman had equally short brown hair that was cut till her ears in a boyish style with hazel coloured eyes, a beautiful face and a giddy smile.

To Carina, this woman screamed an excited and preppy aura, someone that was a tad bit too hyper for her liking but tolerable.

"Hello Hyseria." She greeted with a very small smile. "...and you are?" She asked.

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