Ch-84 Lucerne The Light

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That was all she could see.


That was all she could hear, feel or smell.

This truly felt like sleeping on a cloud. A black cloud, one she didn't feel like falling, she just floated.

It felt a little comfortable, though she could feel nothing, like a void where she just lay, it was addicting somehow like a smoke pipe or wine.

Such was Janae's power.

The antidote to Aleric, that felt like hell, that felt like she was thrown into an active volcano or molten metal poured on top of her.

The drowning darkness was suddenly ripped away from. Now, she could hear...nothing but she could feel the cushioned softness on her back, however she couldn't feel her wings.

She opened her amethyst eyes, she expected light to blind her as it usually does in Lumeris, she expected to see the familiar pristine white marble floors and beige walls of her house. She was however dumbstruck when the entire opposite was what she saw.

Carina's heart pounded in her chest as she sprang up from her bed, she wasn't blinded by the light but was rather unnerved by the darkness, the white and beige room was now replaced with black and a dark grey.

Carina looked down at the bed she sat on, it felt like a black cloud, the sheets were grey while her fleece blanket was a raven black. Her entire room was in similar colouring.

The walls were black, the floors were grey, there was incense burning near her on a dressing table, there were no lit candles or even a lamp, the windows had covers too, something she had never seen before, it was a cloth hanging from a horizontal pole and it was also black unsurprisingly and a very dull light escaped from it.

At least there was a mirror, Carina winced as she touched her back, her wings weren't there. She remembered she had called for it right before those monsters used something on her.

Carina then thought of the leader amongst them, the long dark haired and grey eyed man with pale skin, his name was Aurorus.

She was in the hands of her enemy, a murderer, a worshipper of the dark, of Obscuro and the worst of all, he was the king of Obscuros.

She heard only myths and rumours of his palace. People say it was like a haunted house, where monsters lurk to devour you, that the king had an army of demons and that he was Obscuro himself, the devil, his true form had horns and his skin was actually like a rock, a red firy rock.

One more thing was that he was the one who hunted the heirs and heiresses of Lumena, that he would cut off their wings and throw them into the underworld and enjoy their thrashing and suffering.

Carina couldn't see her wings, instead she felt dried blood on her back. He couldn't do that right? He wouldn't as far as to do the unthinkable?

"No...n-no..he can't.." Carina muttered to herself as she jumped out of the bed, dashing to the large mirror but not before pulling the covers on the windows and there was a brighter glow of the moonlight.

Standing before the mirror, she turned around to see her back and didn't find any cuts and stabs, her back usually heals quickly after her wings were summoned back.


Fresh blood seeped through and Carina sighed in relief as the familiar pierce took place as her wings sprouted from her back extending quickly all the way to the floor, bigger than her body.

"Oh Carina, I'm not that cruel as to take your wings."

Carina flinched as she saw Aro step from the dark as his reflection was caught in the mirror, she wondered how long he'd been standing there, just watching her.

"I don't know about that, you haven't given me much to prove yourself otherwise." She retorted.

She heard him chuckle behind, it didn't sound so maniacal nor crazy but she couldn't be sure.

"Well, you will be given much in th-"

"Where am I?"

He raised an eyebrow. "I see Erinae hasn't taught you manne-

"I asked where am I?"

"My palace. In Obscuros. Now, onto-

"When can I leave?"


Carina turned around finally facing, her eyes locking on his clear grey ones, this room reminded so much of his appearance, black and grey, she didn't notice that he was in the room the entire time, even his black cape camouflaged him and it would take an expert to figure out.

"I asked, when can I leave? I'm starting to think that after living this long, your hearing powers have decreased. You should get it checked out."

Her sassiness was her main source of confidence and after seeing Aro's mouth twitch in annoyance, she felt a sense of power over him.

"You are quite the opposite of your mother, Lucerne." He smirked coming closer, his black robes trailing behind him like a shadow making him look quite intimidating even though her wings were larger that his entire physique.

"My name is Carina, not Lucerne, don't call me that." She didn't know why this man called her that, that name seemed to regal for a someone as sarcastic and petty like her.

"Isenesi never said twice as much words as you did. She was the quietest woman I'd ever met."

"Who is...that...what are you keeping from me?" She glared, Carina knew she was adopted and from the way this conversation was going, she knew that he knew about her birth parents.

"You'll understand in time, Lucerne."

"My name is Carina! You monster!" She hissed pushing him back but he didn't budge at all, it seemed as if his welcoming and mysterious facade cracked as he was now pacing to her, she sensed his dangerous aura.

"There are so many things you don't know, Lucerne. It's best if it remains that way...I don't want you meet the same end as your mother did."

His face was so close to her as he glared daggers into her eyes, she felt unarmed and weak under his stony gaze, she hated feeling so weak, so useless.

Carina was loathing Aro so much at the moment, she hated liars and cheaters, she hated people who wore masks infront of her. She hated those who behaved nicely around her and then talked about her behind her back as if she was deaf.

"And I don't mean Ranya, I mean Isenesi."

It seemed like when Aro was angry, his grey eyes turned pitch black, an entirely different colour and when he noticed that she understood, he cleared his throat and stepped away from her.

"Hyseria will get you proper clothes, I will be expecting you at dinner, Lucerne. Don't be late." Aro said curtly as he turned his back on her, when he stepped out and was leaving to close the door, she spoke up.

" it true...that you hunt the heirs of Lumena?"

For a moment Carina thought he wasn't going to answer something as atrocious as that but he did.

"It is."

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