Ch-22 Changes

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Marcus had been keeping a keen eye on Celine since the first day at the trial.

She didn't even flinch when the immortal child was thrown into the fire. This was very unlike the Celine he'd first met, who would revive animals after she hunted them.

Yes, it seemed as she was a confident and powerful Queen with her stoic face but for someone to flip a switch like this so fast was very surreal.

It had also been a very long time since she had even touched her violin that was in her room.

The last time she had ever played was when she first arrived in Volterra and Aro and Caius had surprised her.

He wanted her to be strong and indomitable but also wanted her to retain some of her childish and innocent nature.

He decided he would have to come up with a way to get her to at least play her violin, maybe then she will at least get a hold of her past self.


Celine watched as Aro ripped the head of Thomas Ethel, a man who had been plotting to create a newborn army.

She should've felt sad or at least a bit of pity for the man but her face made no notion of it.

Marcus kept giving her secretive glances every few minutes and what he got was only a stoic and unflinching face that just stared straight ahead.

"Celine, would you like to handle the next one?" Aro smiled at her.

She gave him a sly grin back and stood up from her throne and said two words that made Marcus feel uneasy.

"With pleasure."

She elegantly strutted to Allison Ethel, the mate of the vampire that was previously beheaded by Aro.

Celine stared at the red eyes and the matching red hair of the woman as she held a face of fear that gave Celine a sick sense of satisfaction that made her hesitate for a second.

Only a second though, she didn't smiled or grin or showed any sign of a crooked nature but kept a straight face.

"Please!" The woman begged the Queen, hoping she would at least understand and let her go.

"Pathetic." Celine muttered before ripping her head off and throwing it into the flames.

Aro and Caius smiled at her while she gave them one too but only Marcus seemed to notice something off about it.

He heard the word she'd whispered before executing Allison. The old Celine would have never said that but instead would always hear out the plea of any person.

During their long journey to Volterra, Celine always tried to find a way to defend the actions of anyone no matter what they did.

The old Celine would always give second chances.

This one however, was merciless on a different end.


After today's trials, Celine sat on a chair removing her necklace as she stared at her reflection of herself in the mirror.

Four days have passed since her trials, and during that time only two people were set free and could leave Volterra.

Soon enough, a lot of covens had gotten word of the newfound mate of Aro, Marcus and Caius.

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