The Tedious Life Of Celine

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"This is my last child. I hope she will thaw the hearts of ice of my other children."

A woman wearing a white cloak whispered as she laid the sleeping baby in the soft moss patch near the house of Geraltine, one of her most loved vampires.

A tear fell from the eyes of Selene, that landed on the face of the infant which made her open her ethereal violet doe eyes.

She stepped away from the child causing her to cry. The woman quickly glanced at the doorway of the small hut, there was a dim light meaning that Geraltine had awoken.

"Gaia, Mother of all. Protect my daughter."

With one last look at her child, Selene disappeared into the woods.

Geraltine stepped out of her hut, her red eyes scanning for the source of the voice.

Her ears picked up the shrill cry of a baby and her feet smoothly glided her to it.

There near a green moss patch, covered in a white blanket laid a beautiful baby.

A ghost of a smile played on her lips as she was drowned in the violet eyes of the infant.

The baby tilted her head curiously at the new person that stood before her.
Within mere seconds, she giggled at the woman.

Geraltine raised an eyebrow at how easily she stopped crying. She picked the child up and rocked her back and forth cooing her making the baby give another toothless giggle.

She was too entranced with the child, she made a fast decision to keep her. After all, she knew that no human could possess violet eyes and such pale white hair.

"Celine. I will call you Celine."

She smiled at her new daughter as the baby giggled too, approving her new name.


Geraltine soon found out that Celine was no normal child.

She grew to be about six summers in just around two months. She wasn't a vampire because no matter how many times Geraltine tried to feed her human blood, she would only scrunch her face and shy away from it.

Even animal blood couldn't work. Her skin didn't shine in the sun and she didn't have fangs either.

It was tough to get information about her daughter when they were living in the woods in a small cottage somewhere in the outskirts of France.

Geraltine was somewhat of a nomad as she didn't belong in a coven. She did before but she left well over a millennia ago, and for good reason.

The year was 1251 AD and humans were hunting for vampires.

It made it more difficult for Geraltine to feed in human blood so she slowly switched to animal blood. Her eyes were now an amber colour.

Celine, however only needed to human food to survive. She ate anything except for blood. Her vibrant violet eyes still continued to draw Geraltine into a hypnotized state.

Whatever Celine was, she was gifted.

One day, Geraltine brought three dead rabbits for dinner and kept it in the kitchen and went to clean herself but on returning to cook it, she found that it was gone.

She heard Celine giggling outside and when she went to her white haired daughter and saw her playing with the three same rabbits she caught.

"Cela! What are you doing?" She wasn't angry, only shocked.

Celine stared at her mother's amber eyes with her doe eyes and pouted making Geraltine's knees go weak.

"Mama, why did you kill them?"

"Its that or starving my dear." She said solemnly as she bent to her daughter's level and pinched her cheeks.

"Well, don't kill these rabbits, Mama. Please!" She gave her signature puppy eyes and the cheeky little girl knew her mother would never refuse.

"Alright I won't. But I want to ask you one thing, how did you bring them back to life?" She asked.

"I touched them all and I made a wish so that they could come back! Mama I told you wishes were true!"

Geraltine's mind immediately went to the powerful and growing coven in Italy, the Volturi. If they found out that Celine could heal anything and even bring the dead back to life, they would stop at nothing to get her in their hands.

If they even tried, they would have to go through her first.

"Mama?" She snapped out if her thoughts and saw her daughter looking at her expectantly.

"What is it my baby?" She asked as ran her hands through Celine's platinum hair that reached to her waist.

"Wishes come true right?"

"Only if they are asked by the purest of hearts."

"Am I pure hearted?"

"You have the heart of an angel."



Celine was now 656 years old.

She spent everyday playing a violin her mother bought her.

She would start at twilight. Her music wiped away the sense of loneliness that built up everyday. For two decades her mother has been acting odd for some reason. She would always leave after making her breakfast and only returned well into midnight.

When she asked her, Geraltine only shrugged it off and didn't give a proper answer, instead she told her that she will always love her. Celine knew her mother loved her but she still couldn't get used to the change.

One other reason she played the violin was to distract herself from the forests and far lands that seemed to call her. Celine had never met another being that looked like her ever in the six centuries she lived.

Her only companions were butterflies and fireflies that seemed to hear what she was playing. She would play for hours and hours until her mother return which was midnight.

And rarely, very rarely Geraltine would also join her daughter one woman symphony with her own flute.

Her violet eyes craved for seeing something other than the woods that surrounded her home.

Maybe one day she will.

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