Ch-66 Found You

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The last time Marcus had visited Wilhestia was almost a decade ago.

During the beginning years of his reign, he sought out to create strong alliances and relations with all three neighbouring kingdoms.

Lokriveii was thrown out of the list quite soon as all the ideals of Acherus and now his son, Acheron were repulsive beyond compare.

He held a strong pact with Dominicia, at first through their common hatred for Lokriveii but later their similar goals for peace and prosperity.

That was when Arthur was king and Castella rarely participated in royal affairs and Marcus had a doubt that she was envious of it all.

Maybe that was why she was so powerhungry and vicious, like a cunning snake.

Wilhestia and Ceryscathia were strong allies and always had each other's backs when in times of need and despair.

That was why when Marcus informed King Remus and Queen Metis of Claudia's missing, they were quick to alert every citizen in just a matter of hours and they were all looking for her.

Wilhestia was like a middle man in the game. The seemingly large kingdom never took sides be it in war or other disputes.

Even they held a dislike for Lokriveii but chose not to add more fuel to the fire and instead focus on their kingdom's wealth and welfare of it's citizens.

Marcus could have just chose to tell Remus of his arrival and he would have an entire army at his disposal to look for the princess but the king went on a whole different path.

Marcus journeyed to Wilhestia in the form of a nomad from the Barren Lands, the places beyond the four kingdoms where travellers who seeked adventure frequented.

The Barren Lands was commonly deemed as the place where all the minor kingdoms and guilds resided and didn't dare to step foot in any of the four kingdoms.

Dominicia, Ceryscathia, Wilhestia and Lokriveii were empires to be more accurate, the four groups that held the utmost power.

So no one batted an eye at a nomad or traveller from the Barren Lands making it the perfect opportunity to use as a cover.

It was Edith who brought up the idea of keeping his true identity a secret if he didn't want anyone to notice him sticking out like a sore thumb in the marketplace.

So, after almost a week, five days to be exact, Marcus had reached the outskirts of Wilhestia, rented a temporary room in an inn to stay for the next few days and was finally on the move to locate Nessa or Nelly.

Currently, he was navigating through the busy marketplace where it supposedly written down, the place where she worked while the calm and serene spring was trampled by the stampede of people that were pushing by to get to where they needed.

"Pansies for 20 secris, Roses for 30!"

Marcus' attention was caught by a shop, more of a stall where a young red haired woman was selling flowers and the majority of it were pansies.

He glanced at his note once more beneath the home address that was written by Edith.

Pansy's Roses

Small stall, flower shop, more pansies, red head, blue eyes, fiery temper, obsessed with pansies.

Pansies Are Black

Edith's description was certainly funny as it was accurate, he looked up once again to see the woman hitting a young boy on the head with a rose bouquet.

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