Ch-52 A Daughter, Not A Son

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"Claudia! Claudia!"

Moira yelled out, pushing away a poor citizen, apologizing to them before taking off into the busy marketplace.

The middle aged woman was not suited for these strenuous running and chasing around the little rascal that was giggling the farther she got away.

The woman could wield a blade but her age limited her endurance and agility.

"Come on, Nanny!"

A little girl, no more than eight summers of age, turned around to face her Nanny, this little girl was finding the panting woman's antic quite amusing and she stuck her tongue out before turning to run off again.

Moira really hated what she was about to do, and would get an earful from Queen Castella when she returned but there was no better option.

"Princess Claudette of Dominicia! Stop right there!"

The chatter and loud buzzing of the busy marketplace came to a halt as everyone stared at the woman who strictly called out the name of the princess.

The little girl stopped her sprint and lightly gulped before turning around to look at her Nanny.

She could see the horns on her head and the smoke coming out of her ears.

The girl locked eyes with the dark haired Moira and the woman's eyes softened just a little bit.

No one in the whole wide world could resist the young princess' vibrant violet eyes especially when they filled with near tears and a little pout.

Claudia could wrap anyone around her finger by just looking at them.

The citizens of Dominicia were in awe of their young princess as they were whispering all sorts of things, as in good things.

"She is so beautiful."

"Her hair is whiter than the snow."

"King Arthur and Queen Castella are so lucky to have her."

"She would have suitors from all over the world, I know it."

"She is just like a little angel."

"So adorable."

"She is surely naughty though, just like our king when he was little."

Amidst all the chatter, Claudia flashed a wide smile at the people who were complimenting her, not knowing that they were looking upto her for their future.

Their hearts' melted as Claudia trotted to Moira and jumped in her arms, and pouted.

"I'm sorry, please don't tell Mama." She mumbled, her melodious voice almost made all the lovestruck boys her age faint while their mothers fanned them.

Moira sighed. "I won't tell her, my dear but I know that your mother would've already found out about it."

They turned to leave and Claudia waved at all her spectators and they eagerly waved back until the two were out of sight.

They were all ecstatic to catch a glimpse of their princess and many people rushed to their homes to tell their families about who they saw.


"Now, Claudia, do I have to ask where you ran away or would you do the honor of telling me?"

Queen Castella questioned not wasting a second as Moira came in with Claudia in her arms.

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