Ch-65 Hope And Paranoia

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The Spring Kingdom?

What was Claudia doing there?

Marcus saw that the door to his study was open and rushed over and shut it to make sure that their conversation would remain private.

"Tell me everything you know, Edith." It was more like a demand than a request, the king leaned on the door frame looking at the spy expectantly.

"Like I said, Wilhestia. A young woman with violet eyes, pale white hair wearing a royal blue cloak with the Dominician Crest was seen two days ago at the local marketplace.

One of my spies saw her enter a clothing shop, at first they were doubtful but it was confirmed by the woman herself as she had to reveal her identity to pay for the clothing she bought."

"What else do you know?"

"Nessa, my subordinate and the one who found her followed her into the forests.

The princess may have understood she was being followed and took on difficult terrains and sent Nessa in circles and in the end, she lost her."

"So, she reported to you first thing?" He asked.

"Yes, My King. I came to tell Lady Hela as soon as I could. Where is she by the way?"

Marcus bit his lip, frowning debating on an appropriate response.

"Am I the only person you have told of this, Edith?"

She nodded.

"Well then, Edith. This needs to be kept between us and no one else." He explained, walking to his desk, taking out a sheet of paper and a quil.

"My King?" The young spy was confused about the king's peculiar request.

"Do not tell Hela of what you found."

"But...why not?"

"Just do it, please." He said curtly.


Marcus, a bit relieved after she had given her word, walked over to her giving her the paper and quil.

"I want you to give me the address of this Nessa that you speak of."

"Do you wish to go there, by yourself?" Her curiosity got the best of her, it was obvious that the king wanted to go alone without anyone knowing and to find the princess.

"I have told you what you must do and there is no need to ask anymore questions."

Marcus didn't mean to be so rude to the poor woman who had done nothing but help him so much but right now he valued the secrecy of this matter more.

"I'm sorry, My Lord." She apologized looking down and hurriedly scribbling the address of her spy located in Wilhestia.

"No, I'm sorry for being so rude."

The woman gave him a little smile. "Sir, I must tell you that Nessa goes by the name of Nelly. She works as a simple shopkeeper, when you approach her, say the words 'Pansies Are Black'. She will know that I sent you here."

"Of course, thank you, Edith. If there is anything that I can do for you, please name it." After all she's helped him, it would be stupid to send her away empty handed.

Edith shook her head, smiling. "Give Nessa my regards when you meet her and my apologies to the princess for ruining her fresh start."

Marcus laughed taking the paper from her. "I sure will, thank you once again."

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