Ch-14 The Surprise

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"Are we there yet?" Celine sighed impatiently as she was led by Caius and Aro with Marcus following nearby to her so called 'surprise'.

"You are very impatient." Aro noted.

"You're figuring that out now?" She asked sarcastically.

"Your sarcasm too is...surprising."

Marcus laughed. "Well, being near Demetri and Felix may have rubbed off on her."

"Hey! They are quite the amusing duo." She defended them.

"And why do you think that?" Caius asked trying to distract her.

"Well, they remind me of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson, only more....eccentric in a way." She recalled all their bickering but in the end they always had each other's backs.

"So you like to read?"

"A lot. I've re-read the Odyssey almost seventy times and I'm not even lying."

"So you don't read other's?"

"I can only read the ones my mother bought. I've never set foot out of that house since all of you came by." Suddenly, the thought hit her like a ton of bricks. She was so love struck, she forgot about the woman who raised her.

"Do you know what happened to my mother after I disappeared?" She asked and the kings froze.

Marcus and Caius looked at Aro, he shook his head.

"No, my love. She too disappeared after you went to Nahuel and Huilen." Marcus explained.

"Who are Nahuel and Huilen?" Caius asked.

Celine smiled sadly. "Nahuel and Huilen were the people my mother asked to look after me.

Nahuel is a vampire-human hybrid. I miss pestering him around to teach me to use a bow and arrow. I loved to threaten him with my vines." She giggled.

Caius let out a jealous growl and tightened his grip on her waist and Marcus chuckled.

"Don't worry Caius, they both are bonded siblings." He explained but Caius still didn't budge.

"What about Huilen?" Aro asked, wanting to direct the conversation away from Nahuel.

"Huilen is also like an aunt to me. She taught me how to cook, use knives, make clothes out of simple fibres. Now that I think of it...I did bring the one I wore." She hummed the last part.

"Alright, we are here." Aro clapped his hands.

"Can I take the blindfold off?"

"No." Caius grinned.

She heard the hinges of a door being opened and she was guided by Caius inside. She heard whispers here and there about something until a girly voice told them to shush.

Then a light breeze flew by and Celine realized she was in the outdoors.

She felt one of her mates behind her and he untied her blindfold and it unveiled her eyes and she stared at the magical scene, awestruck.

She felt one of her mates behind her and he untied her blindfold and it unveiled her eyes and she stared at the magical scene, awestruck

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