Ch-6 Nahuel

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Huilen and Celine walked out of the little mud house and onto the dark and starry sky.

Celine was nervous about meeting Nahuel for some reason. Well, she was more excited about meeting someone half human.

And for your information, she has never met a human before.

"Nahuel!" Huilen called out.

The violet eyed girl watched as a man stepped out the thick grass holding a dead venison and something that looked like giant brown carrots in the other.

The man had brown eyes which surprised her. He was tall but not as tall as Marcus. He was also wearing clothes similar to Huilen but his chest was bare and she averted her eyes with some red on her cheeks.


"Huh?" She looked at Huilen.

"This is Nahuel." He came forward and gave her a stiff smile.

Guess, it wasn't only her who found the situation awkward. She also gave him a smile not wanting to seem rude.
Huilen took the meat and vegetables from him and beckoned Celine to follow her.

She wanted to hug her so bad from saving her but that would just be too weird. The woman led her to the back of the house and set up a fire to cook the meat.

"Come here and help me with this." Huilen said as she sat down and took out a sharp knife and started to cut the meat into parts.

Celine sat beside her not knowing what to do. She wasn't familiar with the ways of cutting or cooking. Call her spoiled but she always wanted to learn.

"Take this." Huilen gave her a similar knife. "And skin the cassava, like this." She made a vertical gesture with her hands and Celine caught on.

So it is called cassava. She noted.

She had skinned a lot from her first piece and too less from the second one but by the third, she peeled it well. Not perfect, but progress for someone who has never used a knife before.

Huilen taught her how to slice and then to boil it under a fire and then moved on to guide her on how chop the venison and also to get clean slices without any bones.

Because Celine hates bones.

Huilen lightly seasoned the meat with some herbs that Celine conjured and placed it under the fire to cook.

While their dinner was being prepared, Huilen and Celine entertained each other with some stories mostly about Nahuel as a child and Celine with her music obsession.

"Call Nahuel, he's in the front. It is time to eat." Huilen told her as she placed small portions of meat and the boiled cassava, it now reminded her of mashed potatoes.

She nodded and got up from her and walked to the front while her eyes were up in the sky staring at the stars that seemed to form many shapes.

She found him playing with something that reminded her of a violin in a way. It's only been a few hours but she missed it a lot.

"What is that?" She asked staring at the weird instrument he seemed to use as a weapon.

He raised an eyebrow and bit his lip from laughing. "You don't know?"

Celine gave him an annoyed look. "No, I don't."

"You really don't?"

"I SAID NO!" She whined.

He rolled his eyes and muttered. "Spoilt brat."

Celine may not be a vampire but she too had sensitive hearing. "Don't you DARE call me a brat. Besides, I'm older that you." She huffed.

"Yet you still act like a child." He retorted dryly.

She stared at him in disbelief. "I do not!"

He sighed and walked past her. "Keep telling yourself that."

"HEY! WAIT!" She yelled and he stopped. "Teach me."

"Teach you what?" He groaned.

She waved her hand at the object he was holding. "What you were just playing with."

Nahuel scoffed. "This isn't a toy Celine. It's a bow and arrow. It's used to hunt and fight with."

"Now I know and I still want to learn." She said.

"You don't need to, my aunt and I are here for your protection."

"You're not going to teach me are you?" She raised an eyebrow.

He shook his head.

She smirked. "I will give a moment to rethink your decision."

A vine suddenly shot out from the mud beside Nahuel and snatched his bow from his hand. The vine stretched high up in the sky and he couldn't reach it.

He was jumping up and down like a monkey trying to grab his bow but Celine kept on moving it with her fingers and she was giggling at his antics.

"Celine! Stop it!" He growled.

"Not until you accept to teach me." She smirked.

His nose flared in and out like a pig and Celine needed all her strength to not burst out laughing. "You promise to teach me and then you will get your bow back."

After glaring at her minutes, he finally groaned in defeat. "All right! I'll teach you tomorrow!"

She smiled brightly. "Good! My vines can keep your bow safe until tomorrow." She said walking away. "Oh! Dinner is ready."



"Where is she, you WITCH?!" Caius screamed and slapped Geraltine for the millionth time.

The Volturi were in rage after Celine disappeared. They had captured Geraltine and brought her back to Volterra. Everybody cheered at their arrival but scampered away after seeing the dark looks on their faces. It wasn't just the kings, the Guard was annoyed and angry too.

"I think you need to check your memory loss, I'm a vampire! Not a witch!" She spat before screaming as Jane used her powers on her.

"Jane, Caius! Enough!" Marcus ordered standing from his throne. "What would our mate think if she knew we were torturing her mother." He reasoned.

"Do NOT..c-call her your..MATE!" Geraltine yelled through all the pain.

Caius was about to slap her once again when Aro sped beside him and grabbed his hand. "Marcus is right. She will loathe us if she finds out."

Caius glared at her before commanding Jane. "Take her into the dungeons. Do not even spare her a glance knowing she's the mother of your Queen."

Jane bowed and dragged her away.

"It's frustrating knowing she's out there and still not knowing where." Caius fumed.

"You are not the only one, brother." Aro sympathized.

"I can't get the music out of my head though I don't want to." Marcus rubbed his temples.

"We will find her and she will be our Queen."

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