Ch-60 Runaway Princess

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Claudia was right.

Using methods of fear was the best way of shooting an arrow accurately, and also adding frustration and anger to the list.

She was in the middle of nowhere but far away from Dominicia or Ceryscathia and that was relief in the best way possible.

Claudia sat, legs crossed in the dead of night, a fire burning infront of her, keeping her warm in the fall weather.

On top of the flames, was sliced venison meat being cooked, carefully trying not to get it burnt.

A neigh sounded from the stray horse, she'd picked up from her long journey that had considerably helped her.

A 'she', not an 'it'.

She was a pure white gyspy horse and that was surprising to Claudia because she had seen nothing like it.

How she figured it out, there were many breeds at the castle and she had seen many of these but they were all white with spotted black.

She was beautiful.

So, she decided to call her Bella.

That was the only reason behind it.

Claudia found the horse in about her fourth or fifth day of roaming, the horse was there infront of astray, maybe from a wagon crash or something, and decided to keep her because her feet was close to blistering from all the running.

She was in the same clothes as she wore when she first ran away, Claudia was aware that she stank worse than a dead animal, on top of that, she had mud all over her face, she was treading on dangerous land right now.

A few days ago, she had an encounter with a bear, only the lord knows how she survived, probably because fear being the fuel to her adrenaline.

Anyways, in search of new clothes, she had carefully cut the pelts of the animal and had it laid on the side near her to dry before the winter that followed.

Her method of counting the days was a tally on a tree bark near her little shelter made of wood and dried leaves enough for her current situation.

It was thirty four days scratched on the bark with an arrow head and adding another week of finding this place, it would be....

In total, that would be forty one days since her running away.

She had been gone for an entire month and a half, she wondered if anyone would even miss her leaving.

Of course Moira and Fenix would, but she highly doubted Castella would miss her, Claudia was almost sure that the woman would be a little relieved.

Maybe that was why she didn't send a hoard of guards to find her.

During her entire time in the wild, she had never encountered a single soldier or even any human noises other than the occasional sounds of crickets or other animals.

Claudia liked to tell herself that she was too far of an expert in the wild for them to find her and not that they purposefully didn't send anyone because they were relieved.

Then again, she was a little desperate to find about Marcus and how he was doing right now.

Did he leave as soon as she left as well with Dean and Hela or did he stay and search for her?

The thought of him sending out troops for a girl he'd just met for a few hours was something highly unlikely.

Or was it?

He may have just left for Ceryscathia, he was a king and he had many responsibilities.

If she had stayed, she would've been married to him a month right now and she didn't know what to think of that but she was definitely relieved.

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