Ch-88 Ranya

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Carina didn't know how to she could clear her mind when she was walking beside a murderer.

She had been around murderers before but not ones that took part in killing off winged immortals like her. She was angry as well as annoyed with him for he knew so much more about herself than she could even comprehend.

Walking side by side, Aro was leading her around the palace, as in many hallways and corridors inside, if air was what she needed she couldn't find it inside these suffocating walls with an equally insufferable man.

"This castle was over thousands of years old, it is believed to be the birthplace of Obscuro, where Caelum carved him from clay." Aro explained, looking proudly at the sculptures and carvings that adorned the walls and pathways.

Carina had a theory that Aro may have never met any other being in very long his life other than faithful servant and therefore forgot the art of conversation.

"You could have began with asking me how I was feeling, not give me an unwanted history lesson." She barked, feeling rather bold, it had to do something with this unique dress, that was for sure.

"How do you feel?" He asked, as if pretending not to hear her snarky words. Carina rolled her eyes. "I'm better."

"Then what?"


"What should I ask next?" He repeated.

Eyeing him with confusion and then with humour, Carina couldn't seriously believe that he was asking for conversational advice to someone who never bothered to say more than a few words to her own aunt.

"I don't understand."

"Since I'm a caveman in your eyes, I was asking for help in how to understand the ways of a mere child." Carina didn't miss the amusement in his words.

"A mere child? I'm four hundred and ninety nine, close to five hundred, I am not a child." Her words betrayed her puffed face and flared nose and Aro couldn't help but chuckle at her.

"Your age here is still considered a child, but your words and expressions give me the impression of a little toddler." He said.

Carina hadn't spoken this much to her aunt in over fifty years, she was here, talking to her sworn enemy and not just by a personal vendetta but also the fact she is a Lumerian.

"I'm not a toddler."

"Sure you're not, just an infant."

"Shut up!"

"Now, you see."

The walls had once again caught her attention and it felt as if the more she ventured, the more darker the illustrations on the walls became.

This was a different path from which she was escorted by Janae and Aleric, if she thought an Heir of Light having their wings cut off was bad enough, this was on a whole other level.

From the look on Aro's face, it didn't look like he meant to bring her here on accident or anything but rather was watching her react to the carvings and paintings.

One was a painting of Aro himself standing over a pile of bloodied corpses, his face showing no remorse as he raised his sword high up in the air at the dark skies with triumph.

Shivers ran through her body at the realization that this man wasn't just a mere king or a follower of the dark but rather someone vicious who could kill her in mere seconds before she could even say 'volantes'.

"That was the third battle against the Lumerians, I led a siege to the temple of their beloved Lumena, they didn't stand a chance at all."

Carina remembered this so vividly, she was sent away with the elderly and a few children to protect them, Erinae and the former Princepine were guarding the temple, the most sacred of all places in Lumeris, this was where their leader died, this was where she lost someone more than that.

Word after word, Carina inched away from him, the horrid things he did to so many innocent people, men, women....children. Yet, she loathed at the fact he didn't hold any regret, even from his voice, the only thing she understand was glee and sick satisfaction.

"But there was one....she had the heart of a lion and the bravery to match with it, she was probably the only person who could match me in strength....but it wasn't enough, I killed her as her goddess witnessed from her temple."

Carina stopped walking, her lips quivering, her fists clenching, anger boiled within her, like a raging fire, never had she felt the urge to kill someone so much, to quench her rage with their blood.

"That day, Lumeris lost its first Princepine, Erinae lost a sister, while you..." Aro paused, turning around to face with a slow smile.

"....lost a mother."



Carina pounced on him with strength she didn't know existed, hauling him over to a wall, her hands were on his throat, she expected fear, or anger, she expected him to thrash or fight back but all he did was laugh.

Glaring holes into his grey eyes, she spoke, every word, a feral growl. "You. Have. No. Right. To. Speak. Her. Name."

"Why not? Frankly, she wasn't your true mother either, why care for someone like that, Lucerne, when you have your...." He stopped as if realizing something. "...that's right. You don't have your birth parents anymore."

"Quiet! Don't say a word!" She yelled, fighting back tears.

"Why, Lucerne? Did I poke where it hurts?"

Having had enough of Aro and having the need to get out of his sight, she raised her palm and slapped him hard across the face before shoving him to the floor.

"You...are nothing..." She growled, pacing closer to Aro who lied on the floor. "...but a foul, worthless disgrace to the gods and the one you follow." Not, hesitating one bit, she went and spit on his face, before turning on her heel making sure to look intimidating with her cape, and walked away from him.

Carina wasn't stupid to attempt to escape at this moment, she had almost softened up to the monster once, never was she going to do it again.

Janae then popped up from a hallway to the right of where Carina was walking away from a somewhat amused but humiliated Aro.

Her black mist was forming on her fingertips, as she met the furious amethyst eyes of Carina who was daring to use her powers on her.

"Try me, child."

Glancing at her master, Aro shook his head with a warning, and her mist disappeared, Carina smirked mockingly, and without bothering to spare a glance at Aro, she strutted away making sure to shoulder Janae as she walked past her.

After she was out of earshot, Janae could have sworn she heard Aro mutter something as he wiped the saliva off his face with his napkin.

"She truly is extraordinary."

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