Ch-70 A Rose For The Princess

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"If Fenix went to Ceryscathia then so has Marcus! Isn't that what you said, Dean?!"

Hela shouted at her brother looking frustrated, the quill she held in her hand was thrown across the room.

Tears threatened to escape the strong woman as she tried to hold it together at least while in the throne room.

"Hela, calm down." Moira said softly, placing her wrinkled hand on the young woman's back for comfort while her own self was on the verge of breaking.

"H-How? How can I....a-after..?"

"Don't hold it in, it's not good." The old woman advised Hela as the raven haired lady paced around glaring at the ground to her right.

Dean was not too far away, he wasn't immune to the news, though he wasn't as expressive as his sister, he blamed himself for everything.

He should've tried harder to convince the king and his close friend to not go there, to reconsider, to stay while looking for more leads to be assured of and then depart.

The Ceryscathian knight was supporting a man in his arms, he was shaking in fear, his face looked blackened from soot and smoke from a week ago.

Why couldn't this man come two weeks earlier even though that was just impossible, that would at least stopped both of them from leaving.

Now, they left for good.

"You should've told me that they would be leaving?! Why didn't you tell me?"

All the pent up anger and sorrow of Hela was being unleashed on her brother, making the poor knight blame himself even more hearing the sharp cutting words of his own sister.

"I know I should've tried harder to persuade the both of them! If anything happened to them, I'm the only person left to take the blame and I wilfully so take it."

"IF anything happened to them?! Something HAS happened to them!"

"You speak as if you were here with us the entire time! Where were you the entire time?! Locking yourself up in a room to do what?!" Dean shouted back tired of staying silent.

"I was looking for Claudia! It''s all because of he-

"Don't put this on Claudia!" The knight warned his sister.

Hela covered her face with her hands, holding back a sob.

"I-If what this man said is true...tell me Dean...what would happen...when there is no heir to the throne...what would come of him....what of Claudia?"

All Hela could do at the moment was glare hatefully at the shaking soldier that was shaking in Dean's arms.

All Ceryscathia had ever known was happiness and peace since the reign of King Marcassius and now that was stripped from them.

Hela knew that this poor soldier had nothing to do with it and was just a messenger in all this.

Yes, Lokriveii was defeated, Acheron was dead only for Dominicia to pull out a death card on Ceryscathia.

Hela and Dean knew that Claudia wasn't to blame for the act but only Arlus and Castella but if it weren't for Marcus leaving for her, then all of this would've been prevented.

Yes, they were selfish. Selfish to stay with the man that had saved them from slavery, gave them a home and raised them.

They weren't the only people who had lost someone, Moira had lost someone so dear to her, she always looked so composed in every situation, a poker face even on the verge of death but right now she just looked ready to collapse.

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