Ch-23 Fun In The Mud

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Celine decided to bring back some of her old practices like archery.

She had promised Nahuel after all.

It has been a over a month since she left them. She still wonders how they are doing. Had his sisters come and tried to talk to him? How was Huilen?

Shutting out her thoughts, she took her bow and arrow that Marcus had bought her in Portugal when she realized she had forgotten her's back at Nahuel's home.

Celine made her way to a small water stream that wasn't far away from the palace and behind her trailed Jane, Alec, Demetri, Felix and Matteo.

You didn't think the kings would let her go alone, did you?

The Guard decided they would train there while Celine practiced hunting the birds and squirrels and reviving them afterwards.

It was a win-win situation.

"Your Vampiness! How far can you shoot?" Matteo yelled from where they were training, he was a referee of sorts for this round.

"Watch!" She yelled back and smirked. Celine aimed her bow high in the air at a flock of birds that were flying closer to her.

The Guard stopped what they were doing and stared at the Queen bewildered. She was aiming the bow at up the sky.

They had to squint their eyes to see what she was targeting. It was a flock of birds that were almost a mile away.

"What the..." Matteo trailed off looking at the distance.

"I bet you on 300 lire that she will miss it." Demetri looked at Felix and he shrugged as the tracker pulled out his money.

They all sauntered closer and watched both her and birds, she had aimed three arrows.

"She wants to shoot three birds that high?" Alec asked.

Jane smacked him in the head. "She is mother. Don't doubt her."

"Sorry." He mumbled.

Celine blocked out all of their voices and focused on the birds that was almost ten feet away from her aim. Her shot was at five feet.


She straightened her back.


She leaned on her back leg.


She bent her front leg.


Aro, Marcus and Caius, who had come back from their duties, rushed to see what all the fuss was about and saw their mate aiming her bow at the sunny sky.


Before they could even call her name, three birds dropped dead from the sky and onto the leveled grass.

Eight people openly gaped at the pale haired and violet eyed Celine turned to face them with an eyebrow raised and a smirk.

"You were saying, Demetri?" She asked slyly.

He looked embarrassed while Jane and Alec looked at her in awe. Demetri groaned when Felix took the money from his hand with a grin.

Celine looked at her mates, surprised they were watching. She waved at them before going to each and every three bird while reviving them and watched as they flew away to join their flock.

Her mates, still recovering from the shock that Celine had shot three birds from a mile away stood frozen when Celine ran up to them.

"How did I do?" She smiled widely.

Everlasting (Volturi Kings)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora