Ch-98 Paintings On The Wall

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The night of Isabella Swan's 18th birthday was quite an interesting one indeed.

She was completely oblivious of the events that would happen in the next few months, right now, there were two things in her apparently impenetrable mind, that was Edward and Victoria.

The red head would make her appearance soon and Bella could feel it, the entire Cullen clan could, even if they choose to ignore it.

Now, as she was in Carlisle's office, she couldn't help at the painting that hung on the wall, the only recognizable person was Carlisle save for his aristocratic attire.

Edward himself couldn't stop at staring at the painting, wondering why Carlisle had kept the reminder of three of the most heartless men in all of existence, the ones who call themselves enforcers of law couldn't take weakness that well it seemed.

His unwavering gaze at the painting had gained the attention of Bella who thought it would be the perfect time to ask about the three men in the painting.

"Who are they?"

With a grimace, he answered. "The Volturi."

Bella raised an eyebrow urging him to elaborate.

"I guess they're closest thing we have to royalty...the man in the middle is Aro, the one on the left is Marcus and the other is Caius." He explained, it felt a little easing at the fact that the artist didn't capture Aro's rumoured sinister face.

"Isn't that Carlisle?" She pointed out to the familiar blonde doctor, who stood in the far corner, away from the centre of the spotlight.

"He lived with them for a few decades or so. He described them as very refined...with no respect for human life, of course...but respect for the arts and sciences at least."

"The law.." He added. "...above all, the law."

"Vampires have laws?" Bella mused.

"Not very many...only one that's regularly enforced."

"What is it?"

"That we keep the existence of our kind a secret, that we don't make spectacles of ourselves...that we don't kill conspicuously."

"So they punish them?"

"Bella...they don't punish you. The Volturi have only ever pardoned a handful of people...that was only because of their...Queen." Edward couldn't help but let out a sad sigh, he never really found himself sad about someone he'd never met.

"Queen?....where is she, then?"

Bella could only see the three kings and Carlisle, no sign of a woman excluding the half naked women that seemed to enjoy themselves quite a bit.

"She was murdered." Edward stated with a grave tone.


"By the three of them."


Bella didn't care to hide to her surprise, sure she didn't know much about the Volturi, but knew enough to care about the loss of someone who was to be loved and cared for.

"Her name was Celine...she was said to be the most kind hearted and innocent woman there was, but at the same time she was moral and just in her ways...the Volturi became more lenient and forgiving, it was also said that the kings loved her more than anything in the world....I find that hard to believe."

Staring at the painting, Bella didn't find it quite hard to believe anymore, as weird as that sounded.

"There are different kinds of bonds among vampires...."

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