Ch-80 A Free Eagle

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"Long ago, in the days of yore....

The Great Father Caelum and the Great Mother Terra ruled the world that we now live in.

Caelum created the universe with his lightning bolts that broke through the voids of Chaos, Earth was just a barren land unable to survive in. 

Terra, then birthed the seas, the land and gave life to human kind and other creatures. To protect Terra's beloved creations, Caelum created three immortal beings, three very different individuals but each whose power and prowess did wonders.

The first was Lumena, the Guardian of the Skies, he gifted her his lightning bolt powerful enough to create new worlds and beings, and made her promise to protect mankind and watch over them from above.

The second was Obscuro, the Guardian of the Underworld. Caelum gifted him a battleaxe cultivated by Nercanium, one of the only metals that could kill an immortal and told him to use it wisely for such a valuable weapons would have it's great cost.

Lumena and Obscuro were light and dark and could never live in peace with one another.

So, to create a balance between the two, Caelum created Canatos, the Guardian of Mortals, he was tether that kept both Lumena and Obscuro from falling apart.

Canatos however, had fallen in love with mortals and their way of life, he trailed off from his god-given duty for the pleasures of Terra's creation.

The mortals however proved not to be as innocent and kind as Terra had created them, you see, some mortals were as manipulative as Loki himself and they murdered him with his own sword for his blood that was said to give one immortality.

Obscuro was enraged at how disrespectful mortals were after Terra had given them so much, he wanted a war on mankind but Lumena was their protector and she was repulsed at his atrocious decisions.

Once again, light and dark had fought, Obscuro and Lumena's battle had reached the ears of Caelum who was too late to stop them.

Obscuro had for the first time used his battleaxe against Lumena sending her wounded self across many oceans.

With death looming around her, Lumena used her lightening bolt and created a child placing her powers on her and-

Carina rolled her eyes, before standing up to leave the Temple of Lumena, away from her aunt Erinae and her repetitive story.

"And where do you think you're going Carina?" She heard from behind her as her aunt paused the story.

Carina huffed, swiftly turning to face her, pale hair bounced behind her as she looked at Erinae with a blank expression.

"There is no point in staying here.

I know how the story goes, Lumena's child is never found, she dies, Obscuro has to pay the price for using his battleaxe, and his immortality was stripped from him but he still had his powers left, just like Lumena, he created a vessel to store his powers before dying of old age.

No one knows where said vessel is, just like the child. The selfish humans took the title of gods and goddesses and everyone else worshipped them and forgot the true gods and before Obscuro died, he also killed all of them.

The end."

The children who Erinae was reciting the story to, were now listening to the much, much older Carina say every word with malice and hatred.

"You missed one thing." Erinae grinned, her caramel eyes hinting amusement.

"Of course, who could ever forget the one set of human immortals he missed?" She scoffed. "The good ones, who in fact thanked the Old Gods and still worship them. The Lumeris."

"That is us." One very smart and curious girl piped, but backed down after Carina shot her a glare.

"Don't let your anger out on the poor girl, Carina." Erinae reprimanded, sternly.

"You know who I could let my anger out on, that senile bastard Aurorus. The only problem is that YOU won't let me!"

"What happened to Ranya is exactly the reason that we stay away from them."

"No. You stay away from them because your scared." Carina spat.

"Right now, the only scared ones are these children and the reason is you."

"Then I will gladly leave."

Carina glared the huge marble statue of Lumena before turning away from them, using the only power she was allowed to without getting a beheading.


She muttered, and in second, the bones in her back shifted, still a bit painful as always and from there sprouted wings, white and big as that of an angel tainted with a bit of blood, it was bigger than her own body and made her appear more intimidating to others, one of the reasons no one ever approached her.

To the people of Lumeris, Carina was either a gifted or cursed young woman who was adopted by their former leader as a baby, about three centuries ago.

After years and years of people seeing her with her huge wings, they were still surprised, maybe a little jealous too, for she was the only one who could do such a thing among the mere four thousand Lumerians.

"I'll see you later."

Carina hovered over Erinae for a moment before spreading her wings and thrust off into the clear blue skies dominating over the mightiest creatures of the sky but not before hearing a Erinae say a few more words to the children.

"It is said that Lumena's child had her own children and their dynasty went on before they were murdered... but that is just a foolish lie....don't believe it children."

It was a morning spectacle for everyone in the small and dainty settlement of Lumeris to see Carina throw a tantrum at her aunt before soaring above with the sun, her white wings looking elegant whilst the rest of her physique was entirely the opposite.

The only words people could use to describe Carina was moody, short tempered, unforgiving and also cunning.

Carina knew of all her fame for being the talk of her entire community, mostly for her snarky behaviour towards elders, those who were at least a thousand years old.

Carina was not always this way however, the main reason for her attitude and change was because of Aurorus, the King of Obscuros, a very devoted follower of Obscuro and also known for manipulating people to change their beliefs and become a follower of the dead guardian.

His siren-like nature wasn't what bothered Carina, but rather what he did to her, or did something to someone so dear and important to her.

Carina wings always guided to the same place everytime, her mind was empty as she let her pinions lead. People wish to have control over their lives but sometimes it was just best to let it go.

The sky is what felt like sanctuary to Carina, there was no one to interrupt her, no one to try and talk to her, to anger or frustrate her.

She felt like an eagle free and uncaring, like a goddess, like Lumena, she soared the vast blue skies with her weightless feathers that scaled her wings, her violet eyes glistening with happiness.

Carina felt like an indomitable force that no one could touch or destroy.

The only one that felt the same joy a long time ago was Icarus, the boy who was so lost in getting his freedom, he fell from the sky.

Carina's carefree spirit as well as her carelessness is what had caught the eye of Deion, an Obscurian among Lumerians who watched her from above with glee and malice.

What one had failed to mention was his utmost loyalty to King Aurorus of Obscuros.

Deion could imagine his king's expression when he finds out that he may have caught the Heir of Light, the last of their kind.

One could only hope that the free and mighty eagle wouldn't be hunted by the cruel hunter.

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