Ch-9 No Second Chances

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Nahuel wanted to scream at Celine for keeping this from him for so long. If he had known, something could have been arranged to ease her pain.

He felt so helpless when she was suffering in her arms. Only mates could ease one another's pain but her's were too far away. Geraltine never instructed anything about this, she would've known that the kings were her mates.

If she did, why send her daughter here to suffer?

"N-Nahuel it's too much! I can't take it! I can't take it!" She cried into his chest as her fingernails dug into his skin.

"Hold on Celine! I know you are strong! Just hold on!" He was the verge of crying as he carried her with inhuman speed through the dense forests.

Then out of nowhere, a strong force collided on his side that sent him and her flying.

Celine screamed as she fell on the brown and muddy forest floor with a thud.

I took a few seconds for Nahuel to register what had happened. His dark brown eyes widened as he saw a tall figure wearing a black cloak creep behind Celine's agonizing body.

"NO!" He yelled and rammed into the cloaked figure and grabbed him by the neck and knocked him over a tree.

While the cloaked man was stunned, Nahuel yanked his hood off and stared at the face of the man in shock and disbelief and then, anger.

"You." He growled.

The man chuckled. "Is that any way to talk to your father, Nahuel?"

"You're not my father!" He exclaimed.

"Sure I am not."

"Why are you here?" Nahuel gritted his teeth.

The man let out a wide grin. "Of course I had to come when your sister informed me of this...beautiful woman, over there." He pointed at the still gasping Celine. She was in pain while he was here interrogating his father.

Nahuel glanced between the two of them. If he went to Celine, his father could escape but if he left her there she could die of her pain. He knew who was more important.

"She is not an expirement!" He growled before dropping him and rushing towards Celine.

"Nahuel, I-I's too painful...I-I want to..d-die." She begged.

"No! You won't be dying! We will go to my aunt! See if there is any possible way to find your mother! I won't let you die!" He said and picked her up in his arms.

He spared a glance at the place his father was supposed to be. Unsurprisingly, he was gone and Nahuel sped to his house with his sister in his arms.


The cloaked man, who was Nahuel's father rushed to the camp to inform his so called 'comrades' about his discovery.

"Ah! Joham! You have returned my friend! What news do you bring?" A lean and tall man, who introduced himself as Falcon came and greeted his 'friend'.

"A truly wonderful one! Where are the others?" He clapped his hands excitedly.

Falcon smiled. "Ah! Donovan! Malcolm! Joham has returned!" She shouted to the two other vampires in the tents.

The two men walked over to them, Donovan was a blonde haired and short man compared to the other two but he still held a creepy and daunting aura.

Malcolm was a quite and collected man. He was as tall as Falcon but not even a bit talkative. He had long and dark black hair and his appearance was almost kingly in nature. Joham thought of him as man who had a hollow heart as if he had lost someone dearly.

"What is this wonderful news I hear of, Joham?" Donovan asked him.

"The girl you talked of, I've found her!" He exclaimed.

This caught the attention of Malcolm. "Where did you see her?"

"With my son, hangs around her a protective dog! She was screaming in a lot of pain! She is mated to someone that is for sure." He explained while moving to a set of test tubes that was filled with all sorts of poisons and other liquids.

"...From her agony, it seems she hasn't seen him in a while." He picked up a what the three other vampires recognised was a sedative.

"What is that in your hand, Joham?" Malcolm's face darkened when he eyed the needle with hatred for some reason.

"A sedative of course! Who knows what her breeding capabilities are! I have never seen such white hair and purple eyes! She is no vampire nor a shifter!"

Joham didn't notice the faces of Malcolm, Falcon and Donovan change into one of disgust and rage but when he turned back to them, it was back to their excited and smiling facades.

"You are leaving now?" Malcolm asked.

Joham nodded as he carefully placed more vials into a leather bag. "I can't wait to get my hands on her!"

Malcolm couldn't keep a happy face any longer after hearing those words come out his sick mouth.

He nodded to Donovan and Falcon and the two crept behind the unsuspecting Joham and the former grabbed his right arm while the latter took his left.

Joham yelled as the two dragged them towards Malcolm. "What are you doing?! Get you hands off me, now!"

"Shut up!" Falcon growled.

Malcolm stood infront of the mad scientist with a stoic face but the other two knew what was hidden beneath it.

"Ah Joham! I wonder if no one had taught you to think before you your mouth in your all of your existence." He said with a grim tone while taking one step closer.

"W-Who are you?" He stuttered.

"I am a vampire, just like you. I drink human blood, just like you. I have red eyes, just like you. I have curiosity in me, just like you. In many way, we are the the same, but one thing separates me from from you. A massive difference. That is......"

"P-please l-let me go!" He pleaded while desperately trying to escape from the iron grip of the two vampires.

".....I have a mate. One that was taken from me not even an hour after I laid my eyes on her. The most beautiful woman who is too good for this selfish world."

"Spare me! Please!"

"I wanted to, Joham. I really did. Until those horrendous words spilled out of your mouth about MY mate."

"I-I'm sorry!"

Malcolm then leaned his face closer to Joham till their noses touched. He stared at the scared and sick man with dark and sinister eyes.

"The Volturi do not give second chances."

Those were the last words that was heard by Joham before Marcus Volturi ripped his head clean off.

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