25. On The Roll

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"You're ready, sir?"
That was Nelson.

"I think so."
That was an honest answer.
Though I hate to say that my ass was deep in fire or the other way round, because my tests start day after tomorrow.


My lungs were on fire and my tongue felt burnt.

I was so wrong to think that it will be easy to clear the tests after having gone through everything at KMA and then CCTC trial.
It seemed to get more difficult with each step.

I was literally on my toes since my tests began and the tempo was only going up.

They tested my knowledge of the forces, weapons, warfares, international policies and border rules, and what not in a series of written tests.
Then they tested my will to survive in underwater tasks.

My fighting skills were tested thoroughly with Charles and his moves that he kept hidden from me all these days. Such a bitch. I was made to face each freaking instructor for all types of combats.

All this in barely 36 hours. I had no clue how long this would take to get over. And I had no fucking clue what were they going to test me for, after I had already given them everything I could?

I had put in my best in every single task I've been given. And since I failed in most of them, thanks to the impossible timing and milky-way standards set - I don't think I'm going to make it when my total marks will add up to be just a handful.

"I'm not really disappointed with your performance, Lieutenant."
General Warren began while I looked down panting.

"You have barely scored minimum marks in most of your tasks. Only the ones involving running have stopped you from breaking the record of 'worst ever test results'. Though I hope you know Agents don't run away. They stick and work and produce results - which you are failing at, miserably."
He said carelessly.

I had hundred thoughts crossing my mind each passing second. This was my only shot. How could I fuck up?
What am I going to do now?
He said this will be the first and last chance. I can't even say 'one more chance sir'.

"I... I'll give my best in the remaining tasks, sir.."
I said looking into his eyes, controlling my shivers.

He looked at me top to bottom.
"You are a failure. I don't need to test you more for that."
He said bending a little towards me.
I paused a gulp and remained stoic.

"But for your peace of mind, I'll give you one more task. You'll be the hero of your team. Or villain. It's upto you."
He said and turned around.

"Captain Neil Fermin!"
He called out loud.

What the fuck?
My team?
He means Neil's team?
He's going to bring his team to test me?

"Yes sir!"
Neil rushed forward.

"Fair chance, you said?"
He taunted Neil and I felt shameful.
Neil just looked down making me feel more miserable.

"But I'll make one of your wishes come true. You and your men - you all will work as a team, but only for his test. Anyways he's going to bring you all down, so there won't be any team after that- as per our deal."
Warren said casually and Neil barely looked up at me with hurt and anger in his eyes.

I felt my heart sink down.
He was going to lose everything because of me. His reputation, trust, selection, planning - I was going to flush all of it down.
God could I be any more pathetic?

He looked at me angrily now.
I couldn't look away from him.

"Call your men. I'll tell them what happens hereafter."
General said and went to his office.

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