41. Uncoupled

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"What J?"
She said sulking.

"Why do you kill my joy?"
I asked annoying her more.

"I don't like repeating myself. But I'll do it for the last time- stop calling my name so often!"
She said irritated.

I knew she was not irritated. She was just being melodramatic to get on my ass. Infact she loved the way I was crazy for her name and all of her.

"I was wondering what your name means."
I asked her.

"What do you think it means?"
She asked curiously interested for my answer.

"Merlen... Hmmmm.. A bird...?"
"Bingo! You guessed it right!"
She smiled genuinely and I felt proud to make her happy. Also I felt devilish because I didn't really guess it. Thanks to ass Neil.

"It suits you so well. Just those feathers are missing. Oh wait. There must be a few in your hair. Come here, I'll take them out."
I said as I got my hands close to her head.

"Don't you dare touch my hair!"
She slapped my hand and I heard a snicker at some distance.

Bitch Neil!

"Won't you let me touch your hair when I wake you up in the morning?"
I used my sweetest smile.

She looked at me more pissed.
"I'll kick you if you do that."

"What? Why?!"
"You wake up at 4 in the morning. Dare you even flinch next to me and wake me up."
She ordered me.

I laughed so loudly others looked at me.
Merlen looked at me annoyed for a few moments. Then she laughed at her own joke.

"By the way, thanks for saving my ass from the mightiest warrior of all times!"
I teased her and Norman in one go.

"The ass you thought I hated? It's not that pretty, trust me. But you're welcome."
She got back at me.

As she dwell in her lemonade, I turned to my side and looked at the man who laughed at me a few moments ago.

I slit my eyes thin in anger and showed my displeasure.
He nodded and lifted his hands apologising.

My eyes moved from him to the fragile woman sitting next to him. My fake anger was immediately replaced by happiness.

Neil and Lauret had gotten along well.
He didn't try to run away after I knocked some sense into his head that day at the bar. Following that, he always looked forward to mine and Merlen's meetings because that's when he'd get to meet Lauret. And she never refused Merlen when she asked for her company to come meet me.

Though my girl is a queen - she never needed anyone else to go wherever she wanted. She is bold and confident enough to face people and she knew how to throw a solid punch - I am of the opinion that she can break jaws and I'm fucking proud of her. I need to appreciate Norman here, it sucks to do that, but he deserves it.

Still she asked Lauret to hang along often because she knew that Lauret liked Neil a lot.
And being so shy she'd never make the first move.

Even a ten year old kid could say that those two were really into each other.
But both of them were impossible!

Neil was just being a total jerk and Lauret.. well she wouldn't say boo to a goose.
It was a perfect combination of feeble low-key and an unbending knucklehead.

"Any chance Lauret is going to confront Neil?"
I asked my girl with the same smile Lauret gave me.

"No chance. She's too shy to tell him about her feelings. And she knows that Neil loves her. But she doesn't mind that he hasn't confronted her either. 'He must have his own reasons just like I have' is all I get when I try to push her."
Merlen said matching my expectations.

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