44. Chatter

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"I'm starting to like you, Red Sparrows!"
Commander told Neil as we returned from yet another successful mission under his lead.

"Should we be happy, or should we be scared, sir?"
Neil was not holding back from getting on his nerves these days.

"Depends on what you say next."
Warren's tone changed into a challenge and Charles cleared his throat warning Neil to behave.

"We're honoured that you feel that way, sir."
Neil replied formally and we all relaxed. He could have done a lot of damage here.

"That's right. Okay you and your men get a full month off. I have no other mission lined up for your team for another month. I'll call you when all the details are compiled for the next. Anyone who wants to visit home, fill up the leave document and disappear."
He permitted us to take a long break.

It was much needed.
Neil was dying to go and crash in the bar while Kelly was itching to hit the gym.
Rest of us just wanted to sleep our asses off.

Neil asked me.

"Bug off, Chief. I need to massage my muscles first. And then I'll go meet my girl. It's been-"
I replied without even looking at him.

"Great. See you at bar in six hours."

I sighed and left for my room. There was no point arguing with him.


"How's it going with your bird?"
Neil asked me with a teasing smile on his lips.

"You've got your own birds too?"
Marks asked alarmed.

"Not birds. Just one."
Kelly replied while I waited for all of them to stop pulling my leg.

"Who's that bird?"
Marks asked me.

I replied boredly.

"Oh! Her? Shut up Neil."
Marks turned to the fucker who started it all.

I suddenly realised something.
"By the way, how did you know that Merlen meant bird? And that Lauret meant pure."

Neil's grin widened. He definitely needed this beer.
"Fermins name their kids after nature and spirits of life."

All of us looked at him like we saw a whole new species.

"You Fermins really are something aren't you?"
Marks said and all of us supported him.

Neil, as expected, shrugged his shoulders and chugged his beer before refilling it.

"But who's pure?"
Kelly asked and he choked.
The grin widened on my face now.

"Tell them, Prince Fermin. Who's pure?"
I used his tone and he glared at me.

"Lady Merlen's friend."
He replied formally.
I laughed loudly.

"And his inamorata."
I pointed at him for everyone.

"Really?! Lover?"
Nelson who was sitting unbothered till now, spoke up.

Neil replied firmly.

I countered him and continued "But he was just too dried up to admit. And now she's gone."

"Gone? You didn't grow a pair to tell her?"
Marks asked him and all of us sniggered.

"It's not like that. And will you mind your-"
Neil started but guess who was having a bad day?

"Shut up!  James, is she good?"
Marks gave him shit that he took without a word.

"Damn good one. A nurse, Merlen's best friend. Neil and Lauret were like magnets. Which reminds me - are you still in touch with her?"
I asked Neil.

Barbed Lives ☑️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon