60. Hello There

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It took me some time to realise that I indeed was not alone.


"Dad? How are you doing?"
Nick said and my world froze.
I couldn't believe my ears.

"I.. "
I forced the words through the boul in my throat but couldn't say anything.

I looked at Wills who looked proudly at Nick. I knew he's the one making him ask these questions to me. I think he had a clue what this meant to me.

I sat down without a word, opening my arms silently asking Nick to hug me just once.

He reluctantly walked to me after Wills pushed him from behind. He stumbled a little but kept walking nevertheless.

He just came, stood very close to me and didn't move. I engulfed him in my big arms and pulled him closer to me. He seemed to have grown so much taller in just a few months!
Only after a few seconds, panic ran through me realising that I might be crushing him.

Immediately I let him loose and pulled him away to look at him.

"Are you okay?"
He asked really worried now.

"Are you okay?"
I asked him back.

"I'm fine. But you scared me."
He replied honestly with his big eyes looking at me.

I smiled a little.
"I'm okay, Son. Everything is okay now."

It's been six painful months since Nick left my side and decided to live the life I never imagined for him.

Flynn's 'Ask him!' was ringing in my ears because he has been on my ass for past one week to gather the courage to ask my own son to come back to me.

"You want to say something?"
Nick asked looking at my open mouth.
No word came out and I nodded a silent no.

"It's our monthly school meeting this Saturday."
Wills changed the topic.

I already knew the status of these boys. Both of them had taken off pretty nicely in their new school and the teachers were really impressed with them. Only problem was Nick's occasional tricks with his teachers and classmates, specially girls - which would get him to visit the principal often. He was not a nuisance, specially with Wills keeping him in check, he was just a jolly fellow who needed a little mending here and there.

"Is it? Should I be prepared for any complaints?"
I raised an eyebrow at him and then at Nick. Both of them looked down and I sensed trouble.

"You guys did something?"
I asked with a sharper tone.

"Not intentionally."
Nick mumbled.

The fact that he was trying to prove himself innocent to me meant everything to me at the moment.
Here I was shit scared that he will never want to even see me again.

"We'll see that on Saturday."
I replied.

"You'll come?"
Wills asked surprised and Nick gave me the same expression.

"Why did you think I won't?"
"Because you're busy at work?"
Nick said without the hatred I was dreading.

"Not anymore. I will always have time for you now, son. I'm here for you."
I don't know how I said that.

Nick smiled a little.
Wills was gleaming looking at Nick smiling.

"Okay Dad. See you. It's time for family dinner."
Nick said and it hurt me fresh when he used the word Family.

I wanted to scream ' I'm your family, son!'
But I just nodded and let him go.

Next time.
I'll take you back home next time, Nick.

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