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"Happy birthday, Major."
Neil said as he placed the coffee mug in front of me, stepped behind and stood with his hand folded in front of him, waiting for any demand that I may have.

"Thanks, Ne-"
He cleared his throat to stop me from completing the word.

"Thanks. Flynn."
I stressed on the last word and looked up at him still seated.

He just nodded politely.
But it felt wrong in so many ways.
I was sitting while he was standing.
I could regard him with whichever name I wanted and the farthest he would go against it was growl.
On the other hand, he'd only call me Major. Major James at the max, but never just my name, never anything else.
I sat like a VIP while he stood like a servant.
Nothing felt right.

"It's okay, Major."
He said reading the dilemma on my face.

"I didn't expect it to be this complicated."
I sighed.

"I did. In fact I expected worse. But this is so much better."
He smiled calmly.
I couldn't look at him like that so I looked at the mug instead.

It's been years since I was promoted as Cadet Training Officer I/C. I've been riding the boys hard. The results had gotten better with each passing out batch and the overall performance of the officers passed out from KMA was far better than any other academy. HQ wanted to get my postings rotated at all the academies but Beta had successfully kept me here all this while.

I took time to learn a lot of things as a trainer. It was a different perspective altogether. Beta groomed me into an efficient trainer and I was glad to work under him despite being on my toes all day all night. He made me feel pathetic so often just to keep me in line and not let the fame get into my head. I learnt a lot from him. Working right under his nose all these years made me realise how aware he was of his rights and his authority as the commander of KMA. Be it a junior or a senior, he'd not move from his ground if he is right.

Neil's constant presence would rub the old scars everyday. But it would also freshen the great memories of the team I'll always be proud of. His face would remind me that I've been through a lot worse and I came out of it just fine. His presence would make me feel seen. And frankly, that's all I wanted at that point of time in my life.

On the other hand, Neil had taken a backfoot in our friendship and had gotten professional to the last grain. He'd serve me meals, ask me about my health, advice to take rest when I'd go hard on myself, make me try different cuisines and ask me if I'd like to have it again despite clearly reading my face - he never even once was rude or stern or decisive or even sarcastic. It was always me giving him instructions and him quietly nodding and working on it even if it required him to stay awake for days straight, he'd not complain. He was too deep in his new role, it was scary. I missed Neil. Flynn was the man every academy needed but I wanted Neil back.

There were times when we had no company and I'd insist that he talks freely just like old times but he wouldn't move his boundaries too far.
He somehow managed to make me feel more important than him at all times yet not let me feel responsible for his situation.
That was his compensation for everything he was responsible for.

"It will get cold."
He said and I finally took the mug in my hand. Taking the first sip relieved me off my thoughts as I closed my eyes and focused on the taste. Flynn had become a really great chef. Everything he made was close to perfection. I'd be tired or irritated or angry but the aroma of the food he cooked, specially coffee, would calm me down in a second.

"This is great, Flynn."
I said honestly.

"Thank you. Anything else that you want me to make for you?"
He asked proudly.

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